The 2023 iRAP Innovation Workshop, to be held 5-6 October in-person in Prague, promises a jam-packed programme and the latest insights into the future innovating “Safer Roads for People and Planet”. Don’t miss your chance to register!
This year’s Innovation Workshop is being held in association with the XXVIIth World Road Congress from 2-6 October organised by PIARC (World Road Association) and the Czech Road Society, supported by the Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic and the Slovak Road Association at the Prague Congress Centre, Czech Republic.
Now in its 10th year, the Innovation Workshop will be a 2-day event for registered delegates of the World Road Congress. Presentations and discussions will explore innovations in road agency leadership, data, investment planning and finance that can be used to implement change and deliver on the Global Plan for the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021-2030 and the Paris Agreement.
Confirmed presenters include:

Jean Todt
UN Special Envoy for Road Safety

Steve Phillips
Secretary General, Conference of European Directors of Roads (CEDR)

Marc Figuls
Factual Consulting

Peter Jamieson

Rob McInerney
Chief Executive

Veronika Valentova
Director of Research
and Development
Transport Research Centre
(Centrum Dopravniho Vyzkumu)

Lluis Puerto
Director of Market Development
EIT Urban Mobility

James Bradford
Global Technical Director, iRAP

Susanna Zammataro
Director General, IRF Geneva

Geoff Allan

Nneka Henry
United Nations
Road Safety Fund

Patrick Mallejacq
Secretary General,
PIARC (Word Road Congress)

Martin Hartmann
Solution Design Manager

Johannes Abebe
Global Practice Leader and Senior Director – Transport and Vertical Structure Group
Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC)

Stephen Perkins
Senior Counsellor
International Transport Forum (ITF)

Greg Smith
Global Programme Director, iRAP

Hugo Pley-Leclercq
Project Manager,

Monica Olyslagers
iRAP Global Innovation Manager and Safe Cities Specialist

Richard Owen
Chief Executive

Samar Abouraad
Safer Journeys Specialist for Europe, iRAP

Judy Williams
Global Programme and Communications Manager, iRAP

John Milton
Chair of the PIARC Road Safety Committee and State Safety Engineer, Washington State Department of Transport

Saul Billingsley
Executive Director
FIA Foundation

Chris Furneaux
Associate Director, Arup

Mike Wilson
Chief Highways Engineer
National Highways UK

Paul Supawanich
Director of Programs, Global Designing Cities Initiative

Bosco Marti
Global Director Institutional Affairs & Comms, Aleatica

Pedro Homem de Gouveia
Snr Policy & Project
Manager, POLIS

Ana Tomaz
Vice President
Autoridade Nacional
de Seguranca Rodoviaria
(National Authority
for Road Safety)

Marko Sevrovic
Associate Professor, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences (FPZ), University of Zagreb
and Senior Road Safety Engineer, European Institute of Road Assessment (EIRA)
Road safety is critical to achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Road crashes remain the biggest killer of young people worldwide and transport produces around 25% of man-made carbon emissions. Innovative policies, tools and action are needed to meet international and national road safety and sustainable transport targets through solutions that deliver for both people and the planet. Promoting active mobility is central to decarbonizing urban mobility. But as more people move to sustainable modes such as walking and cycling, exposure to conflicts with large, high-speed vehicles increase. It is therefore essential the safety of all road users is at the heart of transport planning and policy. Policy experts are embracing Safe System principles in support of Vision Zero goals and the potential for 5-star users in 5-star modes of transport on 5-star roads at safe speeds to provide the framework for that to occur.
The 2023 iRAP Innovation Workshop will bring together leaders and experts in road safety innovation, policy, technologies and investment from across the world. In addition, attendees registered for the Congress will have access to the more than 60 Technical Sessions, Workshops and Foresight Sessions, as well as the Congress Dinner and networking opportunities with 40+ Ministers, 3,500+ delegates and 300 exhibitors from 120 countries.
Seats are strictly limited! Be quick and register today!
Travel, accommodation and visa arrangements are the responsibility of participants.
Note, the Innovation Workshop and World Road Congress have separate registration processes and you’ll need to register for both events separately.
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