Achievement of the Plan will be measured against a number of indicators as part of an Evaluation Framework informing ongoing policies and interventions to reach the long term goal of zero road deaths by 2050.
The Plan includes the following safer road infrastructure indicators:
- Percentage Vehicle Kilometres Travelled (VKT) on safe arterial roads (4/5 star or equivalent)
- Percentage VKT on safe divided roads (4/5-star with median-barrier)
- Percentage VKT on safe high movement arterial roads (M1/M2* with 5-star or 4-star with median-barrier)
The state’s first Road Safety Action Plan for the Decade will drive down road trauma by focusing on the road user groups known to be over-represented in deaths and serious injuries on Victorian roads each year. It is the first in a series of action plans implementing the Victorian Road Safety Strategy 2021- 2030.
See the Victorian Road Safety Strategy 2021-2030 here and Action Plan 2021-2023 here.