По состоянию на июнь 2024 года оценки iRAP под руководством партнеров проводились в 128 странах, а деятельность iRAP затрагивает 180 стран. 1,9 млн км дорог и конструкций, а также 1638 школ получили звездный рейтинг. Над Нанесено на карту рисков 1,8 млн км. Во всем мире iRAP и наши региональные программы «X'RAP» влияют на безопасность крупномасштабных инвестиций в размере $103 млрд долларов США.
Обучение прошли 73 097 человек. а также аккредитован 241 практикующий врач предоставлять услуги спецификации iRAP в соответствии с мировым стандартом. 82 политики (глобальные и национальные стратегии и планы действий) теперь содержат показатели iRAP в качестве ключевых показателей эффективности.
Нажмите на нашу интерактивная карта чтобы узнать, где мы оцениваем дороги и помогаем спасать жизни, делая дороги более безопасными в вашей стране и во всем мире.
iRAP также поддерживает многие другие страны, оказывая помощь в обучении и развитии. Для получения информации о странах, не отмеченных на карте, пожалуйста, Свяжитесь с нами.
Нажав на свою страну на приведенной выше карте «Где мы работаем», вы получите подробную информацию о национальных показателях iRAP и статистике безопасности дорожного движения, ведущем контактном лице и ссылках на политику. Чтобы увидеть сравнение вашей страны с другими, а также с учетом уровня дохода и глобального региона, в следующей таблице представлены краткие сведения об успехах стран и национальных преимуществах достижения Задач 3 и 4 к 2030 году, которые можно отфильтровать в соответствии с вашими требованиями. Кроме того, загрузите резюме для печати Вот
Истории успеха партнеров со всего мира*
Страна | Уровень доходов | Область, край | Более безопасные дороги продвигаются к достижению целей ООН 3 и 4 | Число смертей и травм, которых удастся избежать в течение жизни людей, подвергшихся лечению, будет достигнуто за счет достижения Цели 4 к 2030 году | Экономический эффект от достижения Цели 4 к 2030 году (US$) |
Афганистан | Низкий | Средний Восток | 9 человек прошли глобальное/онлайн-обучение iRAP. | 2523826 | 513570958.61 |
Албания | Выше среднего | Европа | Partner-led iRAP programme activity has assessed 603 km of roads and designs, and 6 schools, influencing the safety of US$156 million of road infrastructure investment. 39 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training. Albania participated in the SENSoR Project which ran from 2012-2014 across 14 countries of South East Europe and built on cooperation between automobile clubs, universities and road authorities to conduct road assessments and investment planning for 19,315 km of roads. | 124614 | 203064912.13 |
Алжир | Низкий средний | Африке | 25 человек прошли глобальное/онлайн-обучение iRAP. | 3710587 | 3255913517.27 |
Андорра | Высоко | Европа | В рамках программы iRAP под руководством партнеров была проведена оценка 78 км дорожной сети Андорры при поддержке RACC для выявления участков дорог с высоким уровнем риска и информирования об инвестициях в модернизацию для спасения жизней. | 3316 | 13938823.43 |
Ангола | Низкий средний | Африке | 15 человек прошли глобальное/онлайн-обучение iRAP. | 1606860 | 1118765298.93 |
Аргентина | Выше среднего | Latin America & Caribbean | Partner-led iRAP activity has assessed 3,678 km of roads and designs, and 52 schools, influencing the safety of US$311 million of road infrastructure investment. 185 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training, along with 300 people trained in events delivered locally. Practitioners are iRAP Accredited. | 2930084 | 5332876208.30 |
Армения | Выше среднего | Европа | Partner-led iRAP activity has influenced the safety of US$825 million of road infrastructure investment. 60km of road designs and 40 schools have been Star Rated. 65 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training, along with 38 people trained in events delivered locally. | 85909 | 164263386.50 |
Австралия | Высоко | Азиатско-Тихоокеанский регион | The AusRAP programme, led by Austroads, has assessed 476,541km of roads and designs, and 2 schools, influencing the safety of US$25 billion of road infrastructure investment including a national A$3 billion Safer Roads Programme which includes targets for 3-star or better performance, and a recently announced A$7.2 billion to lift the Bruce Highway to 3-star or better. Star Rating policy targets are in place in 14 national and state policy documents including the 2021-2030 Australian National Road Safety Strategy, 2023-2025 Australian National Road Safety Action Plan, South Australian Road Safety Strategy to 2031, New South Wales Road Safety Plan, Victorian Road Safety Plan 2021-2023 and 2021 Australian Government Remote Roads Upgrade Pilot Programme Guidelines helping to inform the safety of billions of dollars of road upgrade investment. National partners are leading Artificial Intelligence based assessments (AiRAP) and ARRB is one of 11 iRAP Centres of Excellence helping to shape the evidence-based global road infrastructure safety standard and tools. 745 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training, along with 3,600 people trained in events delivered locally. 11 practitioners are iRAP accredited. | 651204 | 6669367683.95 |
Австрия | Высоко | Европа | Partner-led iRAP programme activity has assessed 2,161 km of roads and designs. 69 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training, along with 25 people trained in events delivered locally. Austrian leadership in innovative multi-country partnerships has included Project RADAR (Risk Assessment on Danube Area Roads) to improve road infrastructure safety across 12 countries, and Project SABRINA that addressed cycling infrastructure safety issues on existing, planned and missing cycling corridors across 9 Danube countries. | 202148 | 1738530573.85 |
Азербайджан | Выше среднего | Европа | Partner-led iRAP programme activity has assessed 14 schools, influencing the safety of school zone upgrades. 10 local stakeholders have been trained. | 254040 | 831985033.42 |
Багамские Острова | Высоко | Latin America & Caribbean | 100 человек прошли обучение на местном мероприятии. | 9667 | 117457873.61 |
Бахрейн | Высоко | Средний Восток | Partner-led iRAP activity has recently assessed 795 km of roads. 10 people have received iRAP global/on-line training to support future capacity. | 46300 | 240670691.48 |
Бангладеш | Низкий средний | Азиатско-Тихоокеанский регион | iRAP assessments were piloted in 2010, supported by the World Bank. Partner-led iRAP activity has assessed 2,112 km of roads and designs, and 2 schools, influencing the safety of US$3.7 billion of road infrastructure investment. A further 8,000km World Bank-supported assessment of national and regional highways is under development. 227 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training, along with 21 people trained in events delivered locally. Practitioners are iRAP Accredited. | 2104389 | 6497268461.45 |
Барбадос | Высоко | Latin America & Caribbean | Partner-led iRAP activity has assessed 519 km of roads and designs, influencing the safety of road infrastructure investment. 12 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training, along with 23 people trained in events delivered locally. | 4355 | 28906782.36 |
Беларусь | Выше среднего | Европа | Partner-led iRAP programme activity has assessed 4,625km of roads and designs. 2 people has benefited from iRAP global/on-line training. | 388961 | 593914357.84 |
Бельгия | Высоко | Европа | Partner-led iRAP programme activity has assessed 18,300 km of roads and designs. 165 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training, along with 399 people trained in events delivered locally. | 344101 | 2584529927.37 |
Белиз | Выше среднего | Latin America & Caribbean | Партнерская деятельность iRAP оценила 826 км дорог и проектов, а также школу, повлияв на безопасность US$30,9 млн инвестиций в дорожную инфраструктуру. 8 человек получили пользу от глобального/онлайн обучения iRAP. Проект по безопасности дорожного движения в Белизе был удостоен Международной премии принца Майкла за безопасность дорожного движения 2016 года и Премии флагманского дорожного движения IRF 2015 года. Проект был сосредоточен на коридоре между Белиз-Сити и Бельмопаном, включая кольцевую дорогу Бельмопан. До 2013 года на этот участок дороги приходилось почти 50 процентов всех смертей в результате дорожно-транспортных происшествий в стране, но после инвестиций в модернизацию дорог на основе фактических данных к 2015 году этот показатель снизился до менее 10 процентов. Проект 2022 года, финансируемый ИБР, оценил безопасность 400 км. | 21101 | 39674831.64 |
Бенин | Низкий средний | Африке | Partner-led iRAP activity has assessed 152km of roads and designs, and a school, influencing the safety of school journeys for local children. 46 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training,along with 42 people trained in events delivered locally. iRAP has a long-term support programme in place with the Millennium Challenge Corporation (2022-2026) is supporting iRAP capacity building and development in the country. | 339125 | 373230050.07 |
Бутан | Низкий средний | Азиатско-Тихоокеанский регион | Partner-led iRAP activity has assessed 347 km of roads and designs, influencing the safety of US$37.6 million of road infrastructure investment. 39 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training. | 12763 | 26858812.37 |
Боливия, Многонациональное Государство | Низкий средний | Latin America & Caribbean | Partner-led iRAP activity has assessed 4 schools and the safety of US$225 million of road infrastructure investment has been influenced over time. 31 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training, along with 103 people trained in events delivered locally. | 426401 | 673108823.17 |
Босния и Герцеговина | Выше среднего | Европа | Partner-led iRAP programme activity has assessed 6,155 km of roads and designs, influencing the safety of US$877 million of road infrastructure investment. 109 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training, along with 21 people trained in events delivered locally. Practitioners are iRAP Accredited. Local leadership in innovative multi-country partnerships including Project RADAR (Risk Assessment on Danube Area Roads) to improve road infrastructure safety across 12 countries; and the SENSoR Project that ran from 2012-2014 across 14 countries of South East Europe and built on cooperation between automobile clubs, universities and road authorities to conduct road assessments and investment planning for 19,315 km of roads. | 86940 | 274701979.46 |
Ботсвана | Выше среднего | Африке | Partner-led iRAP activity has assessed 19 schools, influencing the safety of school zone upgrades. 81 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training, along with 156 people trained in events delivered locally. | 112408 | 293644321.91 |
Бразилия | Выше среднего | Латинская Америка и Карибский бассейн | The Brazil Government has instituted a Five Year Permanent Agenda for Road Safety, with iRAP included as the safety metric for road infrastructure. Implementation of the locally led BrazilRAP programme by DNIT has been certified with the inov@BR seal from the Brazilian Ministry of Infrastructure. An iRAP Star Rating assessment of 54,500 km was completed in 2022. BrazilRAP programme activity has assessed 57,833km of roads and designs and 39 schools, influencing the safety of nearly US$8 billion of life-saving infrastructure investment across the country. With a planned investment of BRL 18 billion, the BrazilRAP project aims to halve the number of fatalities and serious injuries on the national network. Star Ratings targets and optimised investment have been included in significant concession projects across the country that are a leading example of innovative results-based financing and PPPs for road safety. The State of Parana's 2030 Strategy requires all concessions to achieve a minimum 3-star safety rating. DNIT was awarded an iRAP 5-Star Performer International Award in 2022, and the Gary Liddle Memorial Trophy in 2023 for BrazilRAP. BrazilRAP São Paulo launched in 2024, as the first state-based iRAP programme in the world. São Paulo was one of 5 cities involved in the 2023 Mapfre CycleRAP project piloting the bicycling and light mobility risk evaluation model, along with Barcelona, Bogotá, Fayetteville and Madrid. 1,697 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training and 4,350 people have been trained in events delivered in Brazil. T29 practitioners are iRAP Accred+G73ited. Labtrans is one of 11 iRAP Centres of Excellence helping to shape the evidence-based global road infrastructure safety standard and tools. | 12916432 | 28432585643.72 |
Бруней-Даруссалам | Высоко | Азиатско-Тихоокеанский регион | Partner-led iRAP activity has assessed 1,328 km of roads and designs, with a recent network assessment completed in 2024. 4 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training. | 28054 | 88157765.08 |
Болгария | Выше среднего | Европа | Partner-led iRAP programme activity has assessed 675 km of roads and designs, and 3 schools. 71 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training, along with 323 people trained in events delivered locally. Local leadership in innovative multi-country partnerships has included Project RADAR (Risk Assessment on Danube Area Roads) to improve road infrastructure safety across 12 countries; Project SABRINA that addressed cycling infrastructure safety issues on existing, planned and missing cycling corridors across 9 Danube countries; and the SENSoR Project that ran from 2012-2014 across 14 countries of South East Europe and built on cooperation between automobile clubs, universities and road authorities to conduct road assessments and investment planning for 19,315 km of roads. | 302625 | 806240513.61 |
Буркина-Фасо | Низкий | Африке | Partner-led iRAP activity has assessed 714 km of roads and designs, influencing the safety of US$25 million of road infrastructure investment. 28 people have benefitted from iRAP global/online training, along with 22 people trained in events delivered locally. Practitioners are iRAP Accredited. | 1010622 | 617849451.49 |
Камбоджа | Низкий средний | Азиатско-Тихоокеанский регион | Partner-led iRAP activity has assessed 1,600 km of roads and designs, and 6 schools, influencing the safety of US18577 million of infrastructure investment. 98 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training, along with 136 people trained in events delivered locally. An improving road safety in Cambodia project has recently been completed, supported by the ADB. | 583231 | 474980485.49 |
Камерун | Низкий средний | Африке | Partner-led iRAP activity has assessed 16 schools. 157 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training. Practitioners are iRAP Accredited. | 999302 | 488492570.08 |
Канада | Высоко | Северная Америка | Partner-led iRAP activity has assessed 1,270 km of roads and designs. 42 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training. | 971397 | 8206619590.10 |
Каймановы острова | Высоко | Latin America & Caribbean | Cayman Islands 2038 Road Safety Strategy includes for all new roads to achieve a 4-star iRAP rating. Partner-led iRAP activity has assessed 205 km of roads and designs, and a 250km Star Rating for Designs project is currently underway . 9 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training. | ||
Центрально-Африканская Республика | Низкий | Африке | 1 человек прошел глобальное/онлайн-обучение iRAP. | ||
Чад | Низкий | Африке | Partner-led iRAP activity has assessed 479km of roads and designs, influencing the safety of US$297 million of infrastructure investmentand 3 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training. | 630957 | 351069380.01 |
Чили | Высоко | Латинская Америка и Карибский бассейн | Partner-led iRAP activity has assessed 10,610 km of roads and designs, and 13 schools, influencing the safety of US$27 million of road infrastructure investment. 1,907km of roads in the Magallanes, Aysén, and Los Lagos regions have recently been assessed. 113 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training, along with 188 people trained in events delivered locally. Practitioners are iRAP Accredited. Star Rating targets have been set in place for Chilean toll roads to achieve a minimum 3 or 4-star standard - for example, Autopista Centrale and the globally promoted Américo Vespucio Oriente I (AVO I) concession maximised safety before construction began through its design Star Rating. | 661727 | 2120699921.88 |
Китай | Выше среднего | Азиатско-Тихоокеанский регион | ChinaRAP programme activity has assessed 306,178 km of roads and designs, and 11 schools. More than 100,000km of roads have been upgraded and US$8.4 billion of road investment has been made safer as part of national initiatives like the Highway Safety to Cherish Life programme. 122 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training, along with 3,589 people trained in events delivered locally. Practitioners are iRAP Accredited. Star Rating targets have been set in place in the Highway Safety Enhancement Project and provinces are required to undertake risk assessments as part of the 13th National 5-year Plan on Road Safety to eliminate high and very high-risk road segments. The Research Institute of Highway (RIOH) is one of 11 iRAP Centres of Excellence helping to guide the development of the global road infrastructure safety standard and tools. | 80488037 | 310235112216.47 |
Колумбия | Выше среднего | Латинская Америка и Карибский бассейн | Partner-led iRAP activity has assessed 33,647 km of roads and designs (including a recent 22,000km assessment of the national road network), and 29 schools. Bogotá was involved in the 2023 Mapfre CycleRAP project piloting the bicycling and light mobility risk evaluation model, along with Barcelona, São Paulo, Fayetteville and Madrid. 396 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training, along with 2,105 people trained in events delivered locally. 5 practitioners are iRAP Accredited. | 2274761 | 4459656600.44 |
Конго, Демократическая Республика | Низкий | Африке | В рамках деятельности iRAP, возглавляемой партнерами, была проведена оценка 876 км дорог и проектов. 2 человека прошли глобальное онлайн-обучение iRAP. | 5964814 | 1223210058.42 |
Острова Кука | Высоко | Азиатско-Тихоокеанский регион | 1 человек прошел глобальное/онлайн-обучение iRAP. | 654 | 5372854.58 |
Коста-Рика | Выше среднего | Latin America & Caribbean | Partner-led iRAP activity has assessed 4,497 km of roads and designs, and 10 schools influencing the safety of US$723 million of road infrastructure investment. 80 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training, along with 280 people trained in events delivered locally. Practitioners are iRAP accredited. A pilot was conducted in 2009 and Costa Rica was part of a large Pacific Corridor road safety assessment across 7 countries performed by the Inter-American Development Bank in 2011. Based on the results and Safer Roads Investment Plan, IDB invested around US$1.76 billion to 2020 to eliminate high-risk road sections and save lives. A repeat assessment conducted in 2020, from Guatemala to Panama, has obtained new Star Ratings to inform continued investment with the potential to save 65,000 lives. iRAP and Costa Rica Institute of Technology (TEC) signed an MOU in 2024 to promote road safety projects and programmes to eliminate high-risk roads in the country. | 224306 | 959789741.11 |
Берег Слоновой Кости | Низкий средний | Африке | Partner-led iRAP activity has assessed 145 km of roads and designs, and 3 schools, influencing the safety of US$524 million of road infrastructure investment. 4 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training, along with 55 people trained in events delivered locally. Star Rating targets have been set in place by the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) to integrate iRAP design recommendations for the provision of a minimum 3 star rating or higher for all transport modalities in accordance with the Global Road Safety Performance Target 3. | 648361 | 1262493688.35 |
Хорватия | Высоко | Европа | The Croatia National Road Safety Plan 2021-2030 includes targets for all new and existing roads carrying 75% of traffic to meet a 3-star rating for all road users. Partner-led iRAP programme activity has assessed 14,723 km of roads and designs, and 10 schools, influencing the safety of US$6.4 million of road infrastructure investment. 196 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training, along with 163 people trained in events delivered locally. 10 practitioners are iRAP Accredited. Croatia has participated in several innovative multi-country partnerships including Project RADAR (Risk Assessment on Danube Area Roads) to improve road infrastructure safety across 12 countries; Project SABRINA that addressed cycling infrastructure safety issues on existing, planned and missing cycling corridors across 9 Danube countries; Project SLAIN (Saving Lives Assessing and Improving TEN-T Road Network Safety) that included the completion of 8,000km of Risk Mapping, 4,000km of Star Rating and Safer Road Investment Plans to maximise lives saved, 100 case studies of success and assessed the readiness of the network for self-driving cars; and the SENSoR Project that ran from 2012-2014 across 14 countries of South East Europe and built on cooperation between automobile clubs, universities and road authorities to conduct road assessments and investment planning for 19,315 km of roads. Split is a Follower City in Project ELABORATOR - The European Living Lab on designing sustainable urban mobility towards climate neutral cities. The Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, University of Zagreb (FPZ) is one of 11 iRAP Centres of Excellence helping to shape the evidence-based global road infrastructure safety standard and tools. | 108826 | 430491846.99 |
Кипр | Высоко | Европа | В рамках проекта iRAP под руководством партнеров была проведена оценка 375 км дорог и проектов, а также 1 школы, что повлияло на безопасность инвестиций в дорожную инфраструктуру. 24 человека прошли глобальное/онлайн-обучение iRAP, а также 14 человек прошли обучение на мероприятиях, проводимых на местном уровне. | 54930 | 200699207.81 |
Чехия | Высоко | Европа | Partner-led iRAP programme activity has assessed 8,825 km of roads. 80 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training, along with 903 people trained in events delivered locally. 4 practitioners are iRAP accredited. Czechia has participated in innovative multi-country partnerships including Project RADAR (Risk Assessment on Danube Area Roads) to improve road infrastructure safety across 12 countries in the Danube region and Project SABRINA that addresses cycling infrastructure safety issues on existing, planned and missing cycling corridors across 9 Danube countries. Liberec is a Follower City in Project ELABORATOR - The European Living Lab on designing sustainable urban mobility towards climate neutral cities. | 226414 | 1168094446.38 |
Дания | Высоко | Европа | Copenhagen is a Lighthouse City in Project ELABORATOR - The European Living Lab on designing sustainable urban mobility towards climate neutral cities. 13 people have received iRAP global/on-line training. | 120655 | 1043928922.52 |
Доминика | Выше среднего | Latin America & Caribbean | В ходе деятельности iRAP под руководством партнеров была проведена оценка 548 км дорог и конструкций, влияющих на безопасность инвестиций в дорожную инфраструктуру на сумму 1 049 миллионов долларов США$. 10 человек прошли глобальное/онлайн-обучение iRAP, а 11 человек прошли обучение по мероприятиям, проводимым на местном уровне. | 2565 | 5976061.12 |
Доминиканская Респблика | Выше среднего | Latin America & Caribbean | Partner-led iRAP activity has assessed 1,468km of roads and 2 schools. 32 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training. | 623703 | 2487962263.72 |
Эквадор | Выше среднего | Латинская Америка и Карибский бассейн | Partner-led iRAP activity has assessed 434 km of roads and designs, and 11 schools. An assessment of the El Carmen-Manta and Rio Bamba-Azoguez’s corridors has built local capacity and is shaping new investment to save lives. 125 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training, along with 79 people trained in events delivered locally. | 1059759 | 2358525797.54 |
Египет | Низкий средний | Средний Восток | Partner-led iRAP activity has assessed 3,290 km of roads and designs, influencing the safety of road infrastructure investment across the country. 59 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training, along with 36 people trained in events delivered locally. Practitioners are iRAP accredited. | 10245160 | 6279882166.98 |
Сальвадор | Низкий средний | Latin America & Caribbean | Partner-led iRAP activity has assessed 1,308 km of roads and designs, and 11 schools, influencing the safety of US$102 million of road infrastructure investment. 41 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training, along with 614 people trained in events delivered locally. Star Rating targets have been set in place by the Millennium Challenge Corporation to achieve the 3-star or better global safety standard on their projects in the country. El Salvador was part of a large Pacific Corridor road safety assessment across 7 countries performed by the Inter-American Development Bank in 2011. Based on the results and Safer Roads Investment Plan, IDB supported investment of US$1.76 billion to 2020 to eliminate high-risk road sections and save lives along the corridor. A repeat assessment conducted in 2020, from Guatemala to Panama, has obtained new Star Ratings to inform continued investment with the potential to save 65,000 lives. | 296080 | 582832194.32 |
Эстония | Высоко | Европа | Partner-led iRAP activity has assessed 94km of roads. 28 people have been trained in events delivered locally, and 3 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training. | 21813 | 125115903.94 |
Эсватини | Низкий средний | Африке | 8 people have benefitted from iRAP global/on-line training. | 74995 | 117340543.39 |
Эфиопия | Низкий | Африке | Partner-led iRAP activity has assessed 3,303km of roads and designs, including a recent assessment supported by the Bloomberg Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIGRS), influencing the safety of US$300 million of road infrastructure investment. 358 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training, along with 497 people trained in events delivered locally. 5 practitioners are iRAP accredited. | 2067645 | 2240209180.93 |
Фиджи | Выше среднего | Азиатско-Тихоокеанский регион | Partner-led iRAP activity has assessed 702km of roads and designs, influencing the safety of US$767 million of road infrastructure investment. 12 local staff have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training. Fiji Roads Authority's US$500 million forward works programme includes Star Rating targets and has been shaped by the 2014 iRAP assessment report and subsequent Star Rating for Designs assessments supportive of Target 3 for all new roads to be 3-star or better for all road users. | 19016 | 24231185.33 |
Финляндия | Высоко | Европа | Helsinki is a Lighthouse City in Project ELABORATOR - The European Living Lab on designing sustainable urban mobility towards climate neutral cities. 5 people have received iRAP global/on-line training, along with 98 people trained in events delivered locally. | 106011 | 1009575241.80 |
Франция | Высоко | Европа | Partner-led iRAP programme activity has assessed 11,338 km of roads and designs, and 1 school. Issy-les-Moulineaux is a Lighthouse City in Project ELABORATOR - The European Living Lab on designing sustainable urban mobility towards climate neutral cities. 117 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training, along with 54 people trained in events delivered locally. | 1807753 | 12457375113.08 |
Габон | Выше среднего | Африке | 1 человек прошел глобальное/онлайн-обучение iRAP. | 76682 | 263970324.28 |
Гамбия | Низкий | Африке | Национальная стратегия безопасности дорожного движения Гамбии на 2020–2030 годы включает в себя 3-звездочные или более высокие цели для национальных автомагистралей. 4 человека прошли глобальное/онлайн-обучение iRAP. | 55692 | 51609352.54 |
Грузия | Выше среднего | Европа | Partner-led iRAP activity has assessed 1,800 km of roads and designs, and 11 schools, influencing the safety of US$479 million of road infrastructure investment. 140 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training, along with 55 people trained in events delivered locally. Georgia's 2016 Road Safety Strategy and 2022-2025 National Road Safety Strategy included iRAP KPIs for infrastructure safety. | 186145 | 247582857.02 |
Германия | Высоко | Европа | Partner-led iRAP programme activity has assessed 33,500km of roads and designs. 74 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training, along with 340 people trained in events delivered locally. | 1784070 | 13101942753.24 |
Гана | Низкий средний | Африке | Partner-led iRAP activity has assessed 2,254 km of roads and designs, and 50 schools, influencing the safety of US$1 million of road infrastructure investment. 124 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training, along with 187 people trained in events delivered locally. The work of the World Bank’s Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF) and iRAP in improving road safety through speed management in Accra, Ghana under the Bloomberg Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIGRS) is providing inspiration for other countries globally. | 958817 | 1843773276.29 |
Глобальный | Глобальный | Partner-led iRAP activity has star rated 1.9 million km of roads and designs, and 1,940 schools. 1.9 million km have been risk mapped. US$111 billion of road infrastructure investment has been made safer informed by RAP assessments. A study by Johns Hopkins University, published in PLOS One, estimates that almost 700,000 lives and serious injuries have been saved by iRAP Partners from 2016 to the end of 2024. 75,966 people have been trained and 273 practitioners accredited to deliver iRAP specification services to the global standard. iRAP assessments have been conducted in 132 countries, and iRAP activity is influencing the safety of road infrastructure in 180 countries. 86 policies (e.g. National Strategies and Action Plans) now include iRAP metrics for road infrastructure safety. | 329360221 | 986716003303.69 | |
Греция | Высоко | Европа | The 2021-2030 Greek National Road Safety Plan includes a KPI for 65% of the TEN-T network to achieve 3-stars or higher by 2025 and 80% by 2030. Partner-led iRAP activity has assessed 14,854 km of roads and designs, and 6 schools. Athens is one of 3 cities/counties involved in the European Predictive Approaches for Safer Urban Environment consortium (known as Project PHOEBE), aiming to deliver harmonised, integrated and world-leading safety prediction tools that take account of gender, age and ability levels in providing for future mobility. Trikala is a Lighthouse City and Ioannina is a Follower City in Project ELABORATOR - The European Living Lab on designing sustainable urban mobility towards climate neutral cities. 189 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training, along with 33 people trained in events delivered locally. Practitioners are iRAP Accredited. Greece has participated in several innovative multi-country partnerships including Project SLAIN (Saving Lives Assessing and Improving TEN-T Road Network Safety) that included the completion of 8,000km of Risk Mapping, 4,000km of Star Rating and Safer Road Investment Plans, 100 case studies of success, and assessed the readiness of the network for self-driving cars; as well as the SENSoR Project that ran from 2012-2014 across 14 countries of South East Europe and built on cooperation between automobile clubs, universities and road authorities to conduct road assessments and investment planning for 19,315 km of roads. | 438013 | 1212726793.83 |
Гватемала | Выше среднего | Latin America & Caribbean | Partner-led iRAP activity has assessed 1,022 km of roads and designs, and 88 schools. 107 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training, along with 320 trained in events delivered locally. Practitioners are iRAP Accredited. Guatemala was part of a large Pacific Corridor road safety assessment across 7 countries performed by the Inter-American Development Bank in 2011. Based on the results and Safer Roads Investment Plan, IDB invested around US$1.76 billion to 2020 to eliminate high-risk road sections and save lives along the corridor. A repeat assessment conducted in 2020, from Guatemala to Panama, has obtained new Star Ratings to inform continued investment with the potential to save 65,000 lives. | 701654 | 1033887552.80 |
Гвинея | Низкий | Африке | 1 человек прошел глобальное/онлайн-обучение iRAP. | 389588 | 465351399.83 |
Гвинея-Бисау | Низкий | Африке | Partner-led iRAP activity has assessed 454 km of roads and designs, influencing the safety of US$246.7 million of road infrastructure investment. | 99327 | 65769151.95 |
Гайана | Выше среднего | Latin America & Caribbean | 5 человек прошли глобальное/онлайн-обучение iRAP. | 21983 | 74896404.39 |
Гаити | Низкий | Latin America & Caribbean | В рамках проекта iRAP под руководством партнеров была проведена оценка 10 км дорог и 2 школ. 3 человека прошли глобальное онлайн-обучение iRAP. В настоящее время реализуется крупный проект «Звездный рейтинг школ», в рамках которого будет оценено 100 школ. | 680630 | 575064503.49 |
Гондурас | Низкий средний | Latin America & Caribbean | Partner-led iRAP activity has assessed 405 km of roads and designs, and 9 schools, influencing the safety of US$93 million of road infrastructure investment. 7 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training, along with 100 trained in events delivered locally. Honduras was part of a large Pacific Corridor road safety assessment across 7 countries performed by the Inter-American Development Bank in 2011. Based on the results and Safer Roads Investment Plan, IDB invested around US$1.76 billion to 2020 to eliminate high-risk road sections and save lives along the corridor. A repeat assessment conducted in 2020, from Guatemala to Panama, has obtained new Star Ratings to inform continued investment with the potential to save 65,000 lives. | 409393 | 493905518.61 |
Венгрия | Высоко | Европа | Partner-led iRAP programme activity has assessed 6,842 km of roads and designs. 57 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training, along with 33 people trained in events delivered locally, along with 57 trained in events delivered locally. Hungary has participated in innovative multi-country partnerships including Project RADAR (Risk Assessment on Danube Area Roads) to improve road infrastructure safety across 12 countries in the Danube region; and the SENSoR Project that ran from 2012-2014 across 14 countries of South East Europe and built on cooperation between automobile clubs, universities and road authorities to conduct road assessments and investment planning for 19,315 km of roads. | 212729 | 959886243.89 |
Исландия | Высоко | Европа | В рамках партнерской программы iRAP было оценено 8 618 км дорог и конструкций. 15 человек прошли глобальное/онлайн-обучение iRAP, а 42 человека прошли обучение по мероприятиям, проводимым на местном уровне. | 5788 | 59747842.55 |
Индия | Низкий средний | Азиатско-Тихоокеанский регион | The IndiaRAP programme, hosted by AITD, has already assessed 49,190km of roads and designs, and 131 schools. An NHAI Star Rating project has assessed 2,400km of national highways. A US$1 billion Programme for Strengthening Road Safety supported by World Bank, ADB and the Government includes iRAP metrics to identify high-risk roads. Private sector operated networks including the Safeway Concessions network have been assessed and investment to improve safety is being mobilised. More than US$6.9 billion of road infrastructure investment has been made safer. Star Rating targets have been set in place for World Bank-funded projects to achieve 3-star or better and Indian Roads Congress national design standards have been reviewed. 3,578 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training, along with 8,857 people trained in events delivered locally. There are 43 iRAP Accredited Practitioners. IndiaRAP’s Learning Centre is supporting universities and engineers achieve tertiary and research outcomes. | 42663106 | 44359607304.04 |
Индонезия | Выше среднего | Азиатско-Тихоокеанский регион | Partner-led iRAP activity has already assessed 14,416km of roads and designs, and 4 schools, influencing the safety of US$350 million of road infrastructure investment. 226 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training, along with 278 people trained in events delivered locally. 6 practitioners are iRAP Accredited. Star Rating targets have been included in the 2021-2040 National General Plan for Traffic Safety and Road Transport (RUNK) for all roads built since 2023, for more than 75% of motor vehicle journeys to meet 3-star road standards using the iRAP assessment approach. PT Jasa Marga has achieved 3-star or better iRAP certification for a number of its toll roads, and dedicated motorcycling facilities have also achieved 3-star or better. | 7830275 | 12792682449.52 |
Иран, Исламская Республика | Выше среднего | Средний Восток | Partner-led iRAP activity has assessed 9 schools, influencing the safety of US$1.7 million of road infrastructure investment. 32 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training, along with 375 people trained in events delivered locally. | 7646971 | 6636219309.27 |
Ирак | Выше среднего | Средний Восток | 121km of designs have been Star Rated and 20 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training. | 1859738 | 4246958975.51 |
Ирландия, Республика | Высоко | Европа | Partner-led iRAP programme activity has assessed 6,026 km of roads and designs. 21 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training, along with 40 people trained in events delivered locally. | 86332 | 1344361999.89 |
Израиль | Высоко | Средний Восток | Партнерская деятельность iRAP оценила 4723 км дорог и проектов, повлияв на безопасность инвестиций в дорожную инфраструктуру US$2,8 млн. Министерство транспорта приняло участие в обсуждениях по разработке локальной национальной программы, изначально ориентированной на выборку в 1500 км сети iRoads. 31 человек воспользовался преимуществами глобального/онлайн обучения iRAP. | 265952 | 1919159048.41 |
Италия | Высоко | Европа | Partner-led iRAP programme activity has already assessed 29,773km of roads and designs. 203 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training, along with 3 people trained in events delivered locally. 5 practitioners are iRAP Accredited. Italy was one of 4 countries involved in Project SLAIN (Saving Lives Assessing and Improving TEN-T Road Network Safety) that included the completion of 8,000km of Risk Mapping, 4,000km of Star Rating and Safer Road Investment Plans to maximise lives saved, 100 case studies of success and assessed the readiness of the network for self-driving cars. Milan is a Lighthouse City in Project ELABORATOR - The European Living Lab on designing sustainable urban mobility towards climate neutral cities. A CycleRAP Pilot has assessed the safety of a bicycle lane in a tunnel in Rome. | 1945890 | 10064234894.40 |
Ямайка | Выше среднего | Latin America & Caribbean | Partner-led iRAP activity has assessed the safety of designs and 2 school zones, influencing the safety of US$1 million of road infrastructure investment. A 1,000km assessment kicked off in December 2024, supported by the Caribbean Development Bank. 13 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training, along with 67 people trained in Star Rating for Schools in events delivered locally. | 50339 | 225191001.68 |
Япония | Высоко | Азиатско-Тихоокеанский регион | В рамках проекта iRAP под руководством партнеров была проведена оценка 104 км дорог и проектов, а также 1 школы, что повлияло на безопасность инвестиций в дорожную инфраструктуру. 38 человек прошли глобальное/онлайн-обучение iRAP, а также 81 человек прошел обучение на мероприятиях, проводимых на местном уровне. | 2257572 | 12790540854.35 |
Джерси | Европа | В рамках проекта iRAP, возглавляемого партнерами, было оценено 40 км дорог. | |||
Иордания | Выше среднего | Средний Восток | 29 человек прошли глобальное/онлайн-обучение iRAP. | 499808 | 671564608.68 |
Казахстан | Выше среднего | Азиатско-Тихоокеанский регион | Partner-led iRAP activity has assessed 21,254km of roads and designs, and 2 schools, influencing the safety of US$1.2 billion of road infrastructure investment. 184 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training, along with 313 people trained in events delivered locally. 25 practitioners are iRAP Accredited. Star Rating targets for 3-star or better performance in accordance with Global Road Safety Performance Target 3 have been set as part of World Bank projects delivered in the country. Partnership with the Kazakh Scientific Research Institute for Road Safety has built the capacity of local staff, and supported the development of training materials in Russian. | 890814 | 2445400728.40 |
Кения | Низкий средний | Африке | The 2024-2028 Kenya National Road Safety Action Plan includes iRAP targets for infrastructure safety and assessments to be undertaken of Class A, B and C paved roads, and major urban road networks in Nairobi, Mombasa, Kisumu, Eldoret, and Nakuru, to identify high-risk road sections. Partner-led iRAP activity has assessed 3,255km of roads and designs, and 14 schools, influencing the safety of road infrastructure investment. A 533km iRAP assessment has been supported by the Bloomberg Philanthropies Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIGRS). 328 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training, along with 439 people trained in events delivered locally. Practitioners are iRAP Accredited. | 878255 | 2697670463.44 |
Кирибати | Низкий средний | Азиатско-Тихоокеанский регион | 58km for concept designs have been assessed as part of a World Bank funded project. 1 person has benefited from iRAP global/on-line training. | ||
Корея, Республика (юг) | Высоко | Азиатско-Тихоокеанский регион | Partner-led iRAP activity has assessed 1,766 km of roads and designs. 78 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training, along with 50 people trained in events delivered locally. Practitioners are iRAP Accredited. The Korean Government has endorsed the development of a road assessment programme for Korea (KoRAP) with national R&D funds and a National Highway Study over 4 years which will require an update to the road act to incorporate the iRAP methodology. The Korea Transport Institute (KOTI) is one of 11 iRAP Centres of Excellence helping to shape the evidence-based global road infrastructure safety standard and tools. | 2125949 | 10402507219.72 |
Косово, Республика | Выше среднего | Европа | 23 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training, along with 170 people trained in events delivered locally. | ||
Кувейт | Высоко | Средний Восток | 3 человека прошли глобальное/онлайн-обучение iRAP. | 123104 | 816373933.45 |
Кыргызстан | Низкий средний | Азиатско-Тихоокеанский регион | Улучшенные стандарты проектирования дорог для стран Центрально-Азиатского регионального экономического сотрудничества (ЦАРЭС) находятся в центре внимания текущего проекта, реализуемого в пилотных странах – Кыргызстане, Таджикистане и Узбекистане. 17 человек прошли обучение на мероприятиях, проводимых на местном уровне, и 12 человек прошли глобальное/онлайн-обучение iRAP. | 328475 | 125909675.08 |
Лаосская Народно-Демократическая Республика) | Низкий | Азиатско-Тихоокеанский регион | The 2021-2030 Lao National Road Safety Strategy and 2021-2025 Action Plan includes targets for the highway network to be at least 3-stars by 2025 and traveling on major city roads (>75% of travel) to be 3-stars or higher. iRAP studies are planned in the cities of Vientiane, Savannakhet and Champasak. Partner-led iRAP activity has assessed 56 km of roads and designs, influencing the safety of US$240 million of road infrastructure investment. 16 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training. | 241135 | 278183615.81 |
Ливан | Выше среднего | Средний Восток | Partner-led iRAP activity has assessed 6,066 km of roads and designs, influencing the safety of US$378 million of road infrastructure investment. 44 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training, along with 62 people trained in events delivered locally. Practitioners are iRAP Accredited. | 174684 | 165949331.06 |
Лесото | Низкий средний | Африке | 5 человек прошли глобальное/онлайн-обучение iRAP. | 131046 | 57791112.76 |
Либерия | Низкий | Африке | 65 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training. | 137777 | 61052196.59 |
Литва | Высоко | Европа | Lithuania's National Road Safety Strategy and an iRAP Project is shaping. 12 people has benefited from iRAP global/on-line training, along with 2 people trained in events delivered locally. Practitioners are iRAP Accredited. | 64346 | 317116914.79 |
Люксембург | Высоко | Европа | 32 человека прошли глобальное/онлайн-обучение iRAP. | 16732 | 328807396.72 |
Мадагаскар | Низкий | Африке | Partner-led iRAP activity includes the assessment of a school as part of the Star Rating for Schools Programme. 5 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training. Assessments are set to influende the safety of US$236 million of road infrastructure investment. G117 | 701458 | 366320898.38 |
Малави | Низкий | Африке | Partner-led iRAP activity has assessed 1,185km of an EIB financed M1 Rehabilitation Project and 23 schools, influencing the safety of road infrastructure investment. Malawi's 2023-2030 National Road Safety Strategy includes for Road Safety Audits to be completed for all new roads, and a minimum 3-Star iRAP Rating to be achieved for all road users. 121 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training, along with 149 people trained in events delivered locally. iRAP has a long-term support programme in place with the Millennium Challenge Corporation (2022-2026) which is supporting capacity building and the development of MalawiRAP in the country. | 506253 | 257503713.49 |
Малайзия | Выше среднего | Азиатско-Тихоокеанский регион | The MyRAP programme is a global exemplar leading the way as the first LMIC to set a national Star Rating policy target in line with the Global Road Safety Performance Target 4 with the goal to achieve 75% of travel on 3-star or better on Malaysian National High Volume Roads by 2020. Malaysia's 2022-2030 Road Safety Plan includes Star Rating targets and a recommendation to maintain the MyRAP Programme in the country. MyRAP activity has assessed 12,558 km of roads and designs, and 12 schools, influencing the safety of US$1.5 million of road infrastructure investment. 146 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training, along with 244 people trained in events delivered locally. In addition, the Malaysian Highway Authority KPI for highway safety improvements requires all concession companies to undertake improvements based on iRAP recommendations. A KPI target has been set for 5 highways per year to initiate safety improvement planning and implementation works. PLUS Malaysia was the first company to receive ISO 39001:2012 certification for road traffic safety management systems and noted iRAP as the benchmark for safety improvement. The Malaysian Institute of Road Safety Research (MIROS) is one of 11 iRAP Centres of Excellence helping to guide the development of the global road infrastructure safety standard and tools. | 1448819 | 5285958976.30 |
Мальдивы | Выше среднего | Азиатско-Тихоокеанский регион | В ходе мероприятия iRAP под руководством партнеров было оценено 34 км, и 7 человек прошли глобальное/онлайн-обучение iRAP. | 6213 | 13639518.26 |
Мали | Низкий | Африке | 21 человек прошел глобальное/онлайн-обучение iRAP. | 596121 | 442924034.42 |
Мальта | Высоко | Европа | Транспорт Мальты работает с партнерами ЕИБ и iRAP над поддержкой реализации Директивы по управлению безопасностью дорожной инфраструктуры (RISM), оценивая безопасность 160 км дорог TEN-T и основных европейских дорог и разрабатывая оптимизированные планы инвестиций в более безопасные дороги для повышения показателей безопасности. 3 человека прошли глобальное онлайн-обучение iRAP. | 7345 | 35787400.41 |
Маршалловы острова | Выше среднего | Азиатско-Тихоокеанский регион | 1 человек прошел глобальное/онлайн-обучение iRAP. | 2070 | 3068517.05 |
Мавритания | Низкий средний | Африке | 3 человека прошли глобальное/онлайн-обучение iRAP. | 150713 | 104017514.68 |
Маврикий | Высоко | Африке | 19 человек прошли глобальное/онлайн-обучение iRAP. | 31381 | 107760273.26 |
Мексика | Выше среднего | Latin America & Caribbean | MexiRAP launched in June 2024 hosted by iRAP hosted by the Secretariat of Infrastructure, Communications and Transportation of Mexico (SCT). An MOU is in place with the Aleatica Foundation for Road Safety to support the development of projects and programmes to improve road safety. Partner-led iRAP activity has assessed 144,543 km of roads and designs, and 28 schools, influencing the safety of US$250 million of road infrastructure investment. 479 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training, along with 2,079 people trained in events delivered locally. There are 24 iRAP Accredited Practitioners. 28,000km of Mexico's public and toll roads have been assessed for the third time helping to performance track safety on the network. Mexico was part of a large Pacific Corridor road safety assessment across 7 countries performed by the Inter-American Development Bank in 2011. Based on the results and Safer Roads Investment Plan, IDB invested around US$1.76 billion to 2020 to eliminate high-risk road sections and save lives. The Mexican Institute of Transportation (IMT) is one of 11 iRAP Centres of Excellence helping to shape the evidence-based global road infrastructure safety standard and tools. | 6641179 | 16656477265.29 |
Микронезия (Федеративные Штаты) | Низкий средний | Азиатско-Тихоокеанский регион | 1 человек прошел глобальное/онлайн-обучение iRAP. | 4623 | 6070344.81 |
Молдова, Республика | Низкий средний | Европа | Partner-led iRAP programme activity has assessed 2,870 km of roads and designs, and 24 schools, influencing the safety of US$625.8 million of road infrastructure investment. 69 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training, along with 57 people trained in events delivered locally. The first Star Rating targets for new road designs were undertaken by the Millennium Challenge Corporation. Local leadership in innovative multi-country partnerships has included Project RADAR (Risk Assessment on Danube Area Roads) to improve road infrastructure safety across 12 countries; Project SABRINA that addressed cycling infrastructure safety issues on existing, planned and missing cycling corridors across 9 Danube countries; and the SENSoR Project that ran from 2012-2014 across 14 countries of South East Europe and built on cooperation between automobile clubs, universities and road authorities to conduct road assessments and investment planning for 19,315 km of roads. | 149094 | 168186080.41 |
Монголия | Низкий средний | Азиатско-Тихоокеанский регион | Partner-led iRAP activity has assessed 1,606 km of roads and designs, influencing the safety of US$1 million of road infrastructure investment. A 361km strategic roads assessment has recently been completed. 17 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training. | 179946 | 200690362.88 |
Черногория | Выше среднего | Европа | Partner-led iRAP programme activity has assessed 4,274 km of roads. 23 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training, along with 15 people trained in events delivered locally. Montenegro has participated in several instrumental safer roads projects including Project RADAR (Risk Assessment on Danube Area Roads) to improve road infrastructure safety across 12 countries in the Danube region and the SENSoR Project that ran from 2012-2014 across 14 countries of South East Europe and built on cooperation between automobile clubs, universities and road authorities to conduct road assessments and investment planning for 19,315 km of roads. | 26146 | 58533367.67 |
Марокко | Низкий средний | Африке | Partner-led iRAP activity has assessed 384km and 16 schools, influencing the safety of US$4.8 million of road infrastructure investment. National focus is high in the lead up to the 4th Global Ministerial on Road Safety to be held in Marrakesh in February 2025. An MOU was symbolically signed in 2022 between NARSA and iRAP to develop MoroRAP and undertake pilot projects to build local capacity. Assessments and investment are planned as part of a partnership with Autoroutes du Maroc. iRAP has a long-term support programme in place with the Millennium Challenge Corporation (2022-2026) which will include further Star Rating for Schools assessments. 30 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training, along with 252 people trained in local events. | 2611124 | 2807936399.64 |
Мозамбик | Низкий | Африке | Partner-led iRAP activity has assessed 2,679km of roads and designa, and 8 schools, influencing the safety of US$585 million of infrastructure investment. 39 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training, along with 58 people trained in events delivered locally. iRAP has a long-term support programme in place with the Millennium Challenge Corporation (2022-2026) which is supporting capacity building in the country. | 1047681 | 364720698.98 |
Мьянма | Низкий средний | Азиатско-Тихоокеанский регион | 30 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training. | 1691329 | 1127951674.01 |
Намибия | Выше среднего | Африке | 31 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training, along with 22 people trained in events delivered locally. | 109368 | 245947022.36 |
Непал | Низкий средний | Азиатско-Тихоокеанский регион | Partner-led iRAP activity has assessed 2,696 km of roads and designs, and 21 schools, influencing the safety of US$1.1 billion of road infrastructure investment. 217 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training, along with 190 people trained in events delivered locally. The Department of Roads, supported by World Bank and iRAP, completed an assessment of 1,500km in 2022. iRAP has a long-term support programme in placed with the Millennium Challenge Corporation (2022-2026) which will include Star Rating and Investment Plan Assessments in the country. | 488093 | 860343799.31 |
Нидерланды | Высоко | Европа | The Netherlands was one of the four countries that founded the global RAP programme and was the first to establish a 3-star or better national policy. Partner-led iRAP programme activity has already assessed 18,280km of roads and designs, influencing the safety of US$35 million of road infrastructure investment. 150 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training, along with 408 people trained in events delivered locally. A practitioner is iRAP Accredited. Dutch partners led the iRAP innovation partnership to develop CycleRAP that evaluates the safety of on and off-road facilities for cyclists and micro-mobility users. SWOV is one of 11 iRAP Centres of Excellence helping to shape the evidence-based global road infrastructure safety standard and tools. | 317732 | 3048743024.77 |
Новая Зеландия | Высоко | Азиатско-Тихоокеанский регион | Partner-led KiwiRAP activity has assessed 35,748 km of roads and designs, influencing the safety of US$8.7 billion of road infrastructure investment. 130 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training, along with 19 people trained in events delivered locally. Star Rating targets have been set in place in the 2020-2030 Road to Zero New Zealand Strategy, Auckland Transport Vision Zero Policy for Tamaki Makaurau by 2050 and the All Roads of National Significance (RONS) Policy to achieve a minimum 4-star safety rating. There are 2 iRAP Accredited Practitioners. | 202439 | 1479479222.67 |
Никарагуа | Низкий средний | Latin America & Caribbean | Партнерская деятельность iRAP оценила 1013 км дорог и проектов, повлияв на безопасность инвестиций в дорожную инфраструктуру US$97 миллионов. 10 человек прошли обучение на мероприятиях, организованных на местном уровне. Никарагуа была частью большой оценки безопасности дорожного движения Тихоокеанского коридора в 7 странах, проведенной Межамериканским банком развития в 2011 году. На основе результатов и Плана инвестиций в более безопасные дороги ИБР инвестировал около US$1,76 миллиарда до 2020 года, чтобы устранить участки дорог с высоким риском и спасти жизни вдоль коридора. Повторная оценка, проведенная в 2020 году от Гватемалы до Панамы, получила новые звездные рейтинги для информирования о дальнейших инвестициях с потенциалом спасти 65 000 жизней. | 213396 | 188975932.09 |
Нигер | Низкий | Африке | Partner-led iRAP activity has assessed 61 km, influencing the safety of US$175 million of road infrastructure investment. 6 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training. iRAP has a long-term support programme in place with the Millennium Challenge Corporation (2022-2026) which will include Star Rating and Investment Plan Assessments in the country. | 653436 | 405041864.30 |
Нигерия | Низкий средний | Африке | A locally led national NigeriaRAP Programme is under development. Programme activity has assessed 128 km of roads and 11 schools. 332 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training, along with 10 people trained in events delivered locally. Practitioners are iRAP Accredited. The work of Kwapda’as Road Safety Demand (KRSD) Trust and iRAP Star Rating for Schools to improve road safety for Lea Primary School students was profiled in an award-winning video providing inspiration for others worldwide. | 4086406 | 6556066502.05 |
Северная Македония | Выше среднего | Европа | Partner-led iRAP programme activity has assessed 4,053 km of roads and 3 schools, influencing the safety of US$142 million of road infrastructure investment. 22 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training. A 140km CycleRAP assessment of cycle lanes in Skopje has been undertaken. North Macedonia participated in the SENSoR Project that ran from 2012-2014 across 14 countries of South East Europe ahd built on cooperation between automobile clubs, universities and road authorities to conduct road assessments and investment planning for 19,315 km of roads. | 75739 | 97204235.49 |
Northern Ireland | 1 человек прошел глобальное/онлайн-обучение iRAP. | ||||
Норвегия | Высоко | Европа | 4 человека прошли глобальное/онлайн-обучение iRAP. | 94741 | 967182141.59 |
Оман | Высоко | Средний Восток | 13 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training, along with 12 people trained in events delivered locally. | 400676 | 1036509627.33 |
Пакистан | Низкий средний | Азиатско-Тихоокеанский регион | The 2030 Pakistan Road Safety Strategy and 2020-2024 National Road Safety Action Plan include for all national highway designs to have higher safety rating than existing and minimum 3-star rating for all road users by 2024; and for 20% of the N-5 through linear settlements to be minimum 4-star for pedestrians and motorcyclists. Partner-led iRAP activity has assessed 13,273 km of roads and designs, influencing the safety of US$2 billion of road infrastructure investment. 164 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training, along with 38 people trained in events delivered locally. | 5785668 | 3988031885.56 |
Панама | Высоко | Latin America & Caribbean | Partner-led iRAP activity has assessed 2,358 km of roads and designs, and 16 schools influencing the safety of US$286 million of road infrastructure investment. Design assessments for the Pacora-Yaviza Highway are currently underway. 34 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training, along with 100 people trained in events delivered locally. 1 practitioner is iRAP Accredited. Panama was part of a large Pacific Corridor road safety assessment across 7 countries performed by the Inter-American Development Bank in 2011. Based on the results and Safer Roads Investment Plan, IDB invested around US$1.76 billion to 2020 to eliminate high-risk road sections and save lives along the corridor. A repeat assessment conducted in 2020, from Guatemala to Panama, has obtained new Star Ratings to inform continued investment with the potential to save 65,000 lives. | 104213 | 362008370.99 |
Папуа - Новая Гвинея | Низкий средний | Азиатско-Тихоокеанский регион | Partner-led iRAP activity has assessed 3,766 km of roads and designs, and 21 schools, influencing the safety of US$947 million of road infrastructure investment. 50km of designs are curently being assessed as part of a mountainous road improvement programme. UNICEF and RTA are developing a school assessment programme in the country supported by Star Rating for Schools. 28 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training, along with 514 people trained in events delivered locally. | 450865 | 327859867.62 |
Парагвай | Выше среднего | Latin America & Caribbean | Partner-led iRAP activity has assessed 4,000 km of roads and designs, and 31 schools, influencing the safety of US$8 million of road infrastructure investment. 5 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training, along with 70 people trained in events delivered locally. | 409915 | 741813378.54 |
Перу | Выше среднего | Латинская Америка и Карибский бассейн | Partner-led iRAP activity has assessed 4,569 km of roads and designs, and 26 schools, influencing the safety of US$862 million of road infrastructure investment. Peru’s Multisector Road Safety Strategy 2023-2030 includes iRAP for the enhanced management of infrastructure safety, including for urban, highway and school environments.182 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training, along with 43 people trained in events delivered locally. Aleatica’s AUNOR concession has been assessed and investment optimised to improve safety outcomes along the road. | 1109577 | 2714052334.31 |
Филиппины | Низкий средний | Азиатско-Тихоокеанский регион | Partner-led iRAP activity has assessed 12,984 km of roads and designs, and 239 schools, influencing the safety of over US$2.2 billion of road infrastructure investment. The 2023-2028 Philippines Department of Public Works and Highways Strategic Plan (INFRAGENDA 2028) includes iRAP metrics for safety. 872 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training, along with 6,698 people trained in events delivered locally. 8 practioners are iRAP Accredited. Star Rating targets have been set in place by the Millennium Challenge Corporation to achieve a 3-star or better safety standard on their projects in the country. | 2696030 | 3749045878.48 |
Польша | Высоко | Европа | Partner-led iRAP programme activity has assessed 20,824 km of roads and designs, and 1 school. 35 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training, along with 235 people trained in events delivered locally. | 1053764 | 3375238311.21 |
Португалия | Высоко | Европа | Partner-led iRAP programme activity has assessed 10,111 km of roads and designs, and 10 schools. CycleRAP assessments are underway in Lisbon. 114 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training, along with 72 people trained in events delivered locally. Practitioners are iRAP Accredited. | 310855 | 1239221931.75 |
Катар | Высоко | Средний Восток | Partner-led iRAP activity has assessed 7,314 km of roads and designs. 40 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training, along with 46 people trained in events delivered locally. In 2017, Ashghal Qatar received an iRAP 5-Star Performer Award for the innovative work of Ashghal, TRL and University of Zagreb Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences (FPZ) in developing the Star Rating for Designs software. | 133148 | 1261493722.99 |
Румыния | Высоко | Европа | Partner-led iRAP programme activity has assessed 2,074 km of roads and designs. 150 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training, along with 70 people trained in events delivered locally. Romania has participated in innovative multi-country partnerships including Project RADAR (Risk Assessment on Danube Area Roads) to improve road infrastructure safety across 12 countries; Project SABRINA that addressed cycling infrastructure safety issues on existing, planned and missing cycling corridors across 9 Danube countries; and the SENSoR Project that ran from 2012-2014 across 14 countries of South East Europe and built on cooperation between automobile clubs, universities and road authorities to conduct road assessments and investment planning for 19,315 km of roads. | 561843 | 1982709465.08 |
Российская Федерация | Выше среднего | Европа | Partner-led iRAP activity has assessed 1,250 km of roads and designs, influencing the safety of US$25 million of road infrastructure investment. 34 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training, along with 11 people trained in events delivered locally. In 2021, the Federal Road Agency announced implementation of a national RAP programme as the road safety approach for Russia. | 9041339 | 22837105487.35 |
Руанда | Низкий | Африке | Partner-led iRAP activity includes the assessment of 5 schools as part of the Star Rating for Schools Programme. 34 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training, along with 65 people trained in events delivered locally. iRAP assessments are influencing the safety of US$104 million of infrastructure investment. | 465681 | 162974551.77 |
Санкт-Люсия | Выше среднего | Latin America & Caribbean | В ходе деятельности iRAP под руководством партнеров была проведена оценка 514 км дорог и конструкций, что повлияло на безопасность инвестиций в дорожную инфраструктуру на сумму $1,2 млн долларов США. 30 человек прошли глобальное/онлайн-обучение iRAP, а 57 человек прошли обучение по мероприятиям, проводимым на местном уровне. | 5791 | 16815887.91 |
Самоа | Выше среднего | Азиатско-Тихоокеанский регион | Партнерская деятельность iRAP оценила 40 км дорог и проектов, повлияв на безопасность почти US$1 млн инвестиций в дорожную инфраструктуру. На Центральной дороге Кросс-Айленд в Самоа рейтинг Star Rating for Designs позволил провести улучшения до начала строительства, увеличив длину дороги с 3 звездами для пассажиров транспортных средств с 23% до 73%. 3 человека прошли глобальное/онлайн обучение iRAP. | 6982 | 8960365.71 |
Саудовская Аравия | Высоко | Средний Восток | The KSARAP programme launched in December 2023 as part of the world’s largest iRAP assessment of 73,000km. Partner-led iRAP activity has assessed 106,357 km of roads and designs, influencing the safety of US$1.5 billion of road infrastructure investment. The world's largest Star Rating for Schools assessment is also underway to assess the safety of 300 school areas in the Kingdom. 173 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training, along with 218 people trained in events delivered locally, including training for engineers working on the exciting NEOM development. 3 practitioners are iRAP Accredited. Star Rating targets are set in the RGA Road Sector Strategy and Saudi Arabia’s Highways Policy which targets for 70% of highways to be 3-star or better by 2022 and 100% 3-star or better by 2030. The Policy aims to identify and deploy necessary infrastructure interventions required to maintain all major roads in the Kingdom at an iRAP rating of 3 stars or above. | 4197066 | 17790680188.12 |
Сенегал | Низкий средний | Африке | A UN Road Safety Fund-supported Ten Step Plan Project kicked off in January 2025. It will build on partner-led iRAP activity that has assessed 476 km of roads and designs, and 1 school, influencing the safety of US$171 million of road infrastructure investment. 27 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training. Star Rating targets have been set by the Millennium Challenge Corporation in their 3-Star or Better Projects Policy. | 308428 | 470955720.73 |
Сербия | Выше среднего | Европа | Partner-led iRAP programme activity has assessed 13,040 km of roads and designs, and 11 schools, influencing the safety of US$448 million of road infrastructure investment. 57 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training, along with 79 people trained in events delivered locally. Practitioners are iRAP Accredited. Serbia has participated in innovative multi-country partnerships including Project RADAR (Risk Assessment on Danube Area Roads) to improve road infrastructure safety across 12 countries; and the SENSoR Project that ran from 2012-2014 across 14 countries of South East Europe and built on cooperation between automobile clubs, universities and road authorities to conduct road assessments and investment planning for 19,315 km of roads. Krusevac is a Follower City in Project ELABORATOR - The European Living Lab on designing sustainable urban mobility towards climate neutral cities. | 322606 | 574662339.59 |
Сейшельские острова | Высоко | Африке | 12 человек прошли глобальное/онлайн-обучение iRAP. | 2054 | 7625706.47 |
Сьерра-Леоне | Низкий | Африке | 5 человек прошли глобальное/онлайн-обучение iRAP. | 326776 | 71819474.27 |
Сингапур | Высоко | Азиатско-Тихоокеанский регион | В ходе мероприятия iRAP под руководством партнеров были оценены 2 школы, что повлияло на безопасность инвестиций в инфраструктуру школьной зоны. 48 человек прошли глобальное/онлайн-обучение iRAP, а 74 человека прошли обучение по мероприятиям, проводимым на местном уровне. | 97904 | 965360144.87 |
Словакия | Высоко | Европа | Partner-led iRAP programme activity has assessed 11,551 km of roads and designs, influencing the safety of US$90 million of road infrastructure investment. 30 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training, along with 15 people trained in events delivered locally. Slovakia has participated in innovative multi-country partnerships including Project RADAR (Risk Assessment on Danube Area Roads) to improve road infrastructure safety across 12 countries; Project SABRINA that addressed cycling infrastructure safety issues on existing, planned and missing cycling corridors across 9 Danube countries; and the SENSoR Project that ran from 2012-2014 across 14 countries of South East Europe and built on cooperation between automobile clubs, universities and road authorities to conduct road assessments and investment planning for 19,315 km of roads. | 130359 | 579416442.46 |
Словения | Высоко | Европа | Partner-led iRAP programme activity has assessed 18,321 km of roads, and 5 schools. 122 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training, along with 1,624 people trained in events delivered locally. Practitioners are iRAP Accredited. Star Rating targets have been set in place in the Slovenian National Road Safety Strategy 2013-2022 which states in accord with European Directive 2008/96/EC that iRAP should be implemented. Slovenia has played a key role in innovative multi-country partnerships including Project RADAR (Risk Assessment on Danube Area Roads) to improve road infrastructure safety across 12 countries in the Danube region; Project SABRINA that addresses cycling infrastructure safety issues on existing, planned and missing cycling corridors across 9 Danube countries; and the SENSoR Project that ran from 2012-2014 across 14 countries of South East Europe and built on cooperation between automobile clubs, universities and road authorities to conduct road assessments and investment planning for 19,315 km of roads. Velenie is a Follower City in Project ELABORATOR - The European Living Lab on designing sustainable urban mobility towards climate neutral cities. | 41299 | 254148884.05 |
Соломоновы острова | Низкий средний | Азиатско-Тихоокеанский регион | 4 человека прошли глобальное/онлайн-обучение iRAP. | ||
Сомали | Низкий | Африке | 11 человек прошли глобальное/онлайн-обучение iRAP. | 692237 | 257262233.21 |
Южная Африка | Выше среднего | Африке | SARAP programme activity has assessed 43,802 km of roads and designs, and 96 schools influencing the safety of road infrastructure investment. Two significant road safety projects are underway in Limpopo, funded by the Anglo American Foundation, to build State capacity and assess 1,000km of roads and 20 high-risk schools. Limpopo's 2025-2035 Road Safety Strategy includes iRAP key performance indicators for safer road infrastructure. 372 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training, along with 103 people trained in events delivered locally. 19 practitioners are iRAP Accredited. Provincial road funding is subject to undertaking SARAP Star Rating assessments with associated Investment Plans. | 4078248 | 9780729124.72 |
Испания | Высоко | Европа | Spain was one of the 4 countries that founded the global RAP programme and has risk mapped its network annually for 20+ years (over 25,000km of the Spanish road network managed by DGT and more than 6,000km of road network in Catalonia). Partner-led iRAP programme activity has assessed 602,254 km of roads and designs, and 11 schools, influencing the safety of US$8.5 billion of road infrastructure investment. Valencia is one of 3 cities/counties involved in the European Predictive Approaches for Safer Urban Environment consortium (known as Project PHOEBE), aiming to deliver harmonised, integrated and world-leading safety prediction tools that take account of gender, age and ability levels in providing for future mobility. Zaragoza is a Lighthouse City in Project ELABORATOR - The European Living Lab on designing sustainable urban mobility towards climate neutral cities. Spain was involved in the 2023 Mapfre CycleRAP project piloting the bicycling and light mobility risk evaluation model across Barcelona, Madrid, Bogotá, Fayetteville and São Paulo. It was also one of 4 countries involved in Project SLAIN (Saving Lives Assessing and Improving TEN-T Road Network Safety) which extended the skills and knowledge of partners performing network-wide road assessments, saw the completion of Risk Maps and Star Rating and Safer Road Investment Plans to help maximise lives saved, technical analyses of the TEN-T network, and production of a library of more than 100 case studies. 256 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training, along with 179 people trained in events delivered locally. Practitioners are iRAP Accredited. | 1014119 | 4541880690.02 |
Шри-Ланка | Низкий средний | Азиатско-Тихоокеанский регион | Partner-led iRAP activity has assessed 1,100km of roads and designs, influencing the safety of US$127 million of road infrastructure investment. FIA Region II is helping improve the safety school journeys informed by Star Rating for Schools. 69 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training, along with 6 people trained in events delivered locally. | 618974 | 953643336.00 |
Судан | Низкий | Африке | В рамках проекта iRAP, возглавляемого партнерами, была проведена оценка проектов дорог протяженностью 8 км. Обучение прошел 1 человек. | 3435759 | 878856950.09 |
Суринам | Выше среднего | Latin America & Caribbean | 4 человека прошли глобальное/онлайн-обучение iRAP. | 23953 | 45412323.24 |
Швеция | Высоко | Европа | Sweden was one of the four countries that founded the global RAP programme. Partner-led iRAP programme activity has assessed 24,238 km of roads and designs. Lund is a Follower City in Project ELABORATOR - The European Living Lab on designing sustainable urban mobility towards climate neutral cities. 71 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training, along with 1,994 people trained in events delivered locally. Star Rating targets have been set in place in Sweden’s national high volume roads policy to achieve near 100% of the network at 3-star or better by 2025. Sweden was presented with a prestigious iRAP Global Innovation Award during the 3rd Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety in 2020. The award recognised the lifesaving safety impacts of Sweden's 2+1 road designs with central wire rope barriers. The design has dramatically reduced head-on collisions and reduced fatality and serious injury rates in Sweden and many countries of the world. | 171394 | 1387623201.34 |
Швейцария | Высоко | Европа | Partner-led iRAP programme activity has assessed 8,441 km of roads and designs. 200 people have been trained in events delivered locally, along with 59 people who have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training, | 153287 | 1958022751.75 |
Тайвань | 1 person has been trained. | ||||
Таджикистан | Низкий | Азиатско-Тихоокеанский регион | Улучшенные стандарты проектирования дорог для стран Центрально-Азиатского регионального экономического сотрудничества (ЦАРЭС) находятся в центре внимания текущего проекта, реализуемого в пилотных странах – Кыргызстане, Таджикистане и Узбекистане. В деятельности под руководством партнеров участвуют 3 школы, и 11 человек прошли глобальное/онлайн-обучение iRAP. Оценки iRAP влияют на безопасность инвестиций в дорожную инфраструктуру в размере US$6 млн. | 267349 | 114512678.32 |
Танзания, Объединенная Республика | Низкий средний | Африке | TanRAP launched in 2022 as a milestone of the Ten Step Tanzania Project. Tanzania is the first country in the world to use the United Nations Road Safety Collaboration (UNRSC) developed Ten Step Plan for Safer Road Infrastructure and received a Prince Michael International Road Safety Award in 2023. TanRAP partner activity has assessed 15,716 km of roads and designs, and 2 schools, influencing the safety of US$1.1 billion of road infrastructure investment. 887 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training, along with 1,212 people trained in events delivered locally. Practitioners iRAP Accredited. Tanzania’s new 2024-2027 Road Safety Plan includes the iRAP Methodology and integration of improved road design and inspection systems with iRAP Certification to improve the safety of the country’s roads. | 1091815 | 1004143136.42 |
Таиланд | Выше среднего | Азиатско-Тихоокеанский регион | Star Rating targets have been set in place in Thailand’s 2022-2027 Master Plan, Bangkok Road Safety Master Plan 2021-2025 and the National Roads Policy which requires all new roads to achieve a safe technical standard for road users through a 3-star or higher assessment. ThaiRAP was recognised in 2022 with a Prime Minister’s Award for Road Safety and Thailand’s Department of Rural Roads was awarded the 2021 International Road Federation (IRF) Global Road Achievement Award for its Integrated Road Safety Management System that includes ThaiRAP. ThaiRAP activity has assessed 132,164 km of roads and designs, including motorways and 10 schools, influencing the safety of US$1.5 million of road infrastructure investment. The Department of Highways star rated the entire network in 2023, with 64,000km receiving a light star rating. ThaiRAP is working with the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) to improve road safety through iRAP capacity building and assessment, with a 500km assessment of the city’s road network completed and 360 high-risk sites upgraded. 288 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training and 1,854 people have been trained in events delivered in Thailand. Chulalongkorn University is one of 11 iRAP Centres of Excellence helping to guide the development of the global road infrastructure safety standard and tools. | 3564499 | 11909456851.48 |
Идти | Низкий | Африке | В рамках проекта Всемирного банка завершена оценка 633 км под руководством партнера iRAP. 6 человек прошли глобальное/онлайн-обучение iRAP. | 355529 | 215686424.55 |
Тонга | Выше среднего | Азиатско-Тихоокеанский регион | 16 человек прошли глобальное/онлайн-обучение iRAP. | 2107 | 3935807.23 |
Тринидад и Тобаго | Высоко | Latin America & Caribbean | iRAP assessments are set to influence the safety of US$6.8 million of road infrastructure investment. 6 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training. | 27693 | 99257259.00 |
Тунис | Низкий средний | Африке | Partner-led iRAP activity has assessed 16,771 km of roads and 2 schools, influencing the safety of road infrastructure investment. 72 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training, along with 104 people trained in events delivered locally. Practitioners are iRAP Accredited. | 753434 | 809855791.85 |
Турция | Выше среднего | Европа | 8 schools have been assessed as part of the Star Rating for Schools Programme. 46 people have benefitted from iRAP global/on-line training, along with 36 people trained in events delivered locally. Practitioners are iRAP Accredited. | 2404087 | 5726593719.04 |
Туркменистан | Выше среднего | Азиатско-Тихоокеанский регион | 24 people have been trained. | 110363 | 489595005.22 |
Уганда | Низкий | Африке | Partner-led iRAP activity has assessed 2,924 km of roads and designs, and 16 schools, influencing the safety of US$151 million of road infrastructure investment. Uganda’s National Road Safety Strategy and Action Plan for 2021-2026 includes 3-star or better targets. 285 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training, along with 48 people trained in events delivered locally. | 1339201 | 839477380.43 |
Украина | Низкий средний | Европа | Partner-led iRAP programme activity has assessed 3,289km of roads and designs, influencing the safety of US$747 million of road infrastructure investment. 5 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training, along with 30 people trained in events delivered locally. New assessments were planned in 2022 and global iRAP partners stand ready to support initiatives to build back better with safer 3-star and better roads for all road users. | 2829923 | 2692082437.03 |
Объединенные Арабские Эмираты | Высоко | Средний Восток | Partner-led iRAP G21activity has undertaken a pilot project of 10km for the Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure and CycleRAP assessments are underway. 28 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training. | 743057 | 3484423391.73 |
Объединенное Королевство | Высоко | Европа | The UK was one of the four countries that founded the global RAP programme and United Kingdom RAP is a global exemplar. 994,183 km of roads and designs have been assessed, and 1 school, influencing the safety of US$23.4 billion of infrastructure safety. Every year the Road Safety Foundation (RSF) publishes a crash risk map of all motorways and A roads in Great Britain. West Midlands is one of 3 cities/counties involved in the European Predictive Approaches for Safer Urban Environment consortium (known as Project PHOEBE), aiming to deliver harmonised, integrated and world-leading safety prediction tools that take account of gender, age and ability levels in providing for future mobility. National Highways undertakes an iRAP Star Rating programme every 5 years and results published in 2022 showed the performance indicator for 90% of travel to be on 3-star or better roads by 2020 was surpassed, with 96% achieved. National Highways is using the iRAP approach throughout the organisation for strategic planning of investment, prioritisation of routes to be treated,and to ensure new road designs are as safe as they can be. Based on RSF's crash risk mapping analysis, the Government launched a £100 million Safer Roads Fund to address safety on England’s 50 highest risk local A roads and an additional £47.5 million was recently added. The fund was awarded a Prince Michael International Road Safety Award. The Welsh Government has undertaken the first survey of its strategic roads. 847 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training, along with 5,265 people trained in events delivered locally. 13 practitioners are iRAP Accredited. A recent innovation partnership between iRAP, Road Safety Foundation and the Road Safety Trust launched new urban countermeasures in ViDA, enhancing the software offering. | 1117091 | 7409344085.74 |
Соединенные Штаты Америки | Высоко | Северная Америка | usRAP programme activity has assessed 174,972 km of roads and designs, and 90 schools, influencing the safety of US$10 million of road infrastructure investment. USA was involved in the 2023 Mapfre CycleRAP project piloting the bicycling and light mobility risk evaluation model across Fayetteville, Barcelona, Bogotá, Madrid and São Paulo. 360 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training, along with 1,510 trained in events delivered locally. usRAP is recognised as an official Systemic Safety Project Selection Tool and FHWA partnerships with States and Counties are being deployed across the country. usRAP partners will apply the approach as part of the $6 billion Safe Streets and Roads for All grant initiative, included in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. The Transportation Research Board (TRB) is involved in an innovative AiRAP pilot to leverage artificial intelligence and big data to enhance road safety analysis in US networks, with expected global benefit. MRI Global is one of 11 iRAP Centres of Excellence helping to shape the evidence-based global road infrastructure safety methodology and tools. | 17539182 | 255755971706.91 |
Уругвай | Высоко | Latin America & Caribbean | Partner-led iRAP activity has assessed 5,237 km of roads and designs, and 126 schools, influencing the safety of US$755 million of road infrastructure investment. A 9,000km assessment of the entire national road network commenced in 2024, and CycleRAP assessments have been undertaken. 90 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training, along with 130 people trained in events delivered locally. | 148837 | 572880911.74 |
Узбекистан | Низкий средний | Азиатско-Тихоокеанский регион | Improved road design standards for Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC) countries are the focus of a current project underway in the pilot countries of Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. Partner-led iRAP assessments are influencing the safety of US$215 million of road infrastructure investment. 5 schools have been assessed. 26 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training, along with 92 people trained in events delivered locally. A national road safety round table hosted in 2021 by the Ministry of Tourism and Sports of the Republic of Uzbekistan and National Automobile Club of Uzbekistan (NACU) brought together national and international stakeholders focussed on strategic policy and initiatives to save lives including the development of a local RAP Programme. Practitioners are iRAP Accredited. | 1502818 | 705644613.45 |
Вьетнам | Низкий средний | Азиатско-Тихоокеанский регион | Partner-led iRAP activity has assessed 5,087 km of roads and designs, and 256 schools with many locations upgraded to 4 or 5-star performance. The safety of US$595 million of infrastructure investment has been influenced. 279 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training along with 977 trained in events delivered locally. Practitioners are iRAP Accredited. Star Rating targets have been set in place in Vietnam’s National Road Safety Strategy 2021-2030 which calls for all new roads to be 3-star or better and 70% of total national highway length to reach 3-stars or better. An innovative Ai&Me project, funded by Fondation Botnar leveraged the power of big data and community engagement, to launch the YEA safety app for students and identify and improve high-risk school locations. An additional Empowering Youth for Lievable Cities (Ai&Me2) project is extending impact. In addition, iRAP has received US$2 million in grant funding from Google’s philanthropic arm, Google.org, to use AiRAP approaches to undertake further large-scale school assessments in Vietnam, with global implications. The Ai&Me project received a Prince Michael International Road Safety Award in 2024. The safety of National Highway 19 is being upgraded influenced by iRAP assessments and multi-partner engagement over many years. | 5084243 | 6361219174.43 |
Йемен | Низкий | Средний Восток | В ходе деятельности iRAP, возглавляемой партнерами, была проведена оценка 1330 км дорог и проектов. 3 человека прошли глобальное онлайн-обучение iRAP. | 4553000 | 775571522.41 |
Замбия | Низкий средний | Африке | Partner-led iRAP activity has assessed 34 schools using the Star Rating for Schools Application, influencing the safety of US$0.9 million of road infrastructure investment. 109 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training, along with 144 people trained in events delivered locally. Practitioners are iRAP Accredited. The Zambia Road Safety Trust (ZRST) hosted an online “iRAP Helping Save Lives in Zambia” Workshop in 2021 for national stakeholders. iRAP has a long-term support programme in place with the Millennium Challenge Corporation (2022-2026) which may include iRAP development in the country. | 397153 | 326644342.21 |
Зимбабве | Низкий средний | Африке | Partner-led iRAP activity has assessed 108 km of road designs. 23 people have benefited from iRAP global/on-line training. | 526006 | 948827331.61 |
* Дата актуальна по состоянию на июнь 2024 г. Обновленные показатели iRAP публикуются в июле и январе каждого года. Щелкните по своей стране на карте выше для получения дополнительных сведений.
** Источник: Исследователь безопасности iRAP Insights, https://irap.org/safety-insights-explorer/ Примечание. Для проведения упрощенного глобального анализа использовались глобальные допущения и данные. Отмечается, что многие страны и юрисдикции будут располагать более актуальными и доступными на местном уровне данными, чтобы лучше информировать об инвестиционных решениях, и их следует использовать там, где они доступны.
Региональные РПД
iRAP — это глобальная зонтичная программа для региональных программ оценки дорог, таких как IndiaRAP, EuroRAP, BrazilRAP, ChinaRAP и других. Региональные ПДП стимулируют пропаганду и применение инструментов и инициатив ПДП, чтобы наилучшим образом соответствовать местным условиям и максимизировать количество спасенных жизней и серьезных травм. кликните сюда чтобы узнать больше о региональных RAP и получить ресурсы для разработки и поддержки вашей местной программы RAP.
Примеры успеха
iRAP работает с местными партнерами для поддержки крупномасштабной модернизации дорог по всему миру. Смотрите наши Примеры из практики для отличных примеров из стран всего мира, включая Австралию, Белиз, Китай, Сальвадор, Индию, Малайзию и Великобританию. Эти страны лидируют в реализации политики и инвестициях в дороги, которые будут иметь решающее значение для достижения цели сокращения вдвое смертности и травматизма на дорогах и, в конечном итоге, достижения нулевого видения.
Китай: В рамках программы Министерства транспорта «Безопасность на дорогах для бережного отношения к жизни» в Китае уже модернизировано 105 000 км дорог с высоким уровнем риска. $2,5 миллиарда долларов США было инвестировано в меры безопасности. Читать далее Вот.
Индия: IndiaRAP - это программа оценки дорог для Индии, проводимая под руководством местного сообщества и поддерживаемая во всем мире. Это сотрудничество между iRAP и Азиатским институтом развития транспорта (AITD) при щедрой поддержке FedEx Express. Совместно с национальными правительствами и правительствами штатов и Всемирным банком, инвестиции в улучшение многих дорог Индии были направлены на текущие и запланированные обновления на сумму более $5,4 млрд. Долларов США. Прочитайте больше Вот.
Мексика: Отмеченная наградами работа SCT в Мексике подняла 17% на 42 800 км дорожной сети с 1 или 2 звезд до 3 звезд или выше. Это привело к значительному сокращению смертности и серьезных травм в сети.
СОЕДИНЕННОЕ КОРОЛЕВСТВО: Highways England поставила цель обеспечить 90% поездок по стратегической дорожной сети, чтобы они были 3-звездочными или выше, и инвестирует в Smart Motorways. Министерство транспорта мобилизовало программу стоимостью 175 миллионов фунтов стерлингов для модернизации 50 дорог местного самоуправления с самым высоким уровнем риска на основе карт рисков, звездных рейтингов и определенных пользователем инвестиционных планов. Прочитайте больше Вот.