Bangkok Metropolitan Administration awarded a Finalist for coveted international Gary Liddle Memorial Award
Mrs Meredith Liddle; Prof Kasem Choocharukul collecting the trophy on behalf of BMA; and Miquel Nadal, iRAP Board Chairman The International Road Assessment Programme (iRAP) has proudly announced Thailand’s Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) as a Finalist for...
Croatian Roads awarded a Finalist for coveted international Gary Liddle Memorial Award
Mrs Meredith Liddle; A/Prof Marko Sevrovic, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences (FPZ), University of Zagreb and Senior Road Safety Engineer, European Institute of Road Assessment (EIRA) collecting the trophy on behalf of Croatian Roads; and Miquel Nadal, iRAP...
Aleatica Foundation announces donor support of iRAP to improve safety of high-risk roads
Pictured above: iRAP CEO Rob McInerney and Bosco MARTI, Global Director of Institutional Affairs and Communications Aleatica Foundation iRAP today announced that Aleatica Foundation has become a Donor of the charity, contributing funding to help make roads safer in...
DNIT Brazil awarded a Finalist for coveted international Gary Liddle Memorial Award
The International Road Assessment Programme (iRAP) has proudly announced Brazil’s National Department of Transport Infrastructure (DNIT) as a Finalist for the iRAP Gary Liddle Memorial Trophy presented to the world’s best performing road authority eliminating...
Celebrating the evolution of #RAPinEurope
Image above: Road authorities and iRAP partners in Europe (Windsor, 2023) 25 -26 September: Road authorities and iRAP partners in Europe came together in Windsor, UK to share best practice and strategies for achieving ambitious national, European and global road...
#RAPKnowledgeLive Session 5: Road Safety Toolkit – the one-stop road safety resource for all
#RAPKnowledgeLive sessions are held monthly worldwide to discuss the latest knowledge on road safety tools, programmes and partnerships helping make global roads safer. Our fifth #RAPKnowledgeLive session will be held at in October, highlighting the Road Safety...
Star Rating for Schools September 2023 Newsletter
The latest Star Rating for Schools newsletter is out now – read some great stories of how SR4S Lead Partners are engaging partners and leading safer infrastructures around the world. In this issue: Welcome to our new SR4S Coordinator – Minh Vo iRAP and partners...
iRAP welcomes new Star Rating for Schools (SR4S) Coordinator, Minh Vo
We are excited to announce that Ms Minh Vo is joining the iRAP team as Star Rating for Schools (SR4S) Coordinator. Star Rating for Schools (SR4S) is an evidence-based program for measuring, managing and communicating the risk children are exposed to on a journey to...
CycleRAP tool and pilots feature in New York Times climate edition
Bogotá, Colombia, is one of five cities in CycleRAP’s international pilot program.Image credit: Jeffrey Greenberg/Universal Images Group, via Getty Images After launching CycleRAP in 2022, in 2023 iRAP embarked on an international pilot project with the generous...
An open letter to Heads of State and Governments
Image credit and original post: Global Alliance of NGO’s for Road Safety The UN SDG Summit will take place at the UN Headquarters in New York on 18-19 September 2023. Read our open letter to world leaders below. Dear world leaders, We are writing to you today...
AusRAP News: 80% of travel on 3-star or better roads by 2030
Australia’s states and territories will publish AusRAP star ratings on all arterial roads by 2025, as part of a commitment to accelerate the use of AusRAP. The Austroads members approved a new AusRAP Strategy and Business Plan that commits to 12 targets that will...
iRAP receives Google support to advance the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and Road Safety
MEDIA RELEASE EMBARGO: September 12, 2023 6am EST, 11am UK time, 5pm Vietnam, 8pm Brisbane Download full media release here Leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI), iRAP’s Star Rating for Schools and AiRAP partnerships will be scaled up to provide 3-star or better...
What makes a 3-star or better school journey?
Every four minutes, a child dies in a traffic crash around the world. Many others are permanently injured. Children walking to school are particularly vulnerable. In many countries, most crashes involving children happen within 500m from the school, many of them at...
Missed the #RAPKnowledgeLive session on the Safety Insights Explorer? Recording is now available!
On Wednesday 16 August 2023, over 70 delegates across 38 countries attended our fourth monthly #RAPKnowledgeLive session highlighting iRAP’s Safety Insights Explorer. In this session iRAP’s Programme Director Greg Smith covered: All the new features that have...
FERSI online symposium: Implementing evidence-based road safety measures, removing barriers and enhancing public support
The Forum of European Road Safety Research Institutes (FERSI) will organize an online symposium: Implementing evidence-based road safety measures, removing barriers and enhancing public support. The symposium will take place on October 14, 2021, from 13:30 to 15:30...
Want to help make journeys to school safe? We’re recruiting a Star Rating for Schools (SR4S) Coordinator
iRAP is looking for a collaborative and enthusiastic person with a passion for safe mobility and experience in road safety to coordinate the global Star Rating for Schools (SR4S) program. Road crashes are the major cause of death of young people aged 5-24 years old....
#RAPKnowledgeLive Session 4 – Have you unlocked the power of iRAP’s Safety Insights Explorer for your country?
#RAPKnowledgeLive sessions are held monthly worldwide to discuss the latest knowledge on road safety tools, programmes and partnerships helping make global roads safer. Our fourth #RAPKnowledgeLive session will be held at in August, highlighting iRAP’s Safety...
Announcing the iRAP Gary Liddle Memorial Trophy – for best performing road authority eliminating high-risk roads
Dear Road Authority partners, iRAP and the global transport community lost a friend, a mentor and a leader earlier this year. Gary Liddle AO was a remarkable person, with a truly authentic style of leadership that was admired by all in the road industry. His passing...
Free resource helps local authorities improve cyclist and pedestrian safety in urban areas – UK Road Safety Trust Press Release
Press release from The Road Safety Trust Local authorities can now access a specialist resource to help understand the risks to, and improve the safety of, vulnerable road users in towns and cities. The free-to-access ViDA tool hosts data gathered through the...
ITF Summit 2023 – Event summary
It was fantastic to be a part of the ITF Summit in May this year, seeing and reconnecting with old and new friends from all over the world. Our key focusses during the event were to support member countries to eliminate high-risk roads, empower transport safety...
Missed the #RAPKnowledgeLive session on the Star Rating for Designs web app updates? Recording is now available!
On Wednesday 28 June 2023, over 50 delegates across 25 countries attended our third monthly #RAPKnowledgeLive session highlighting the exciting updates to the Star Rating for Designs web app. In this session, our guest presenter Marko Sevrovic, Senior Road Safety...
New SR4S model will go live on Tuesday June 27
You may have seen the news that we are updating the SR4S model. The model review was performed under the guidance of iRAP Global Technical Committee to ensure SR4S reflects the latest research, evidence and experience of partners around the world using the tool. SR4S...
#RAPKnowledgeLive Session 3 – Exciting updates to the Star Rating for Designs web app
#RAPKnowledgeLive sessions are held monthly worldwide to discuss the latest knowledge on road safety tools, programmes and partnerships helping make global roads safer. Our third #RAPKnowledgeLive session will be held at the end of June, highlighting the exciting...