2019 ThaiRAP Speed Variation Analysis report supports the call to reduce speed limits
August 2019: There has recently been a proposal announced to life the speed limits on major roads in Bangkok from 90km/h to 120km/h. The ThaiRAP team is leading calls for the proposal to be reconsidered. iRAP and The World Bank research supported by the FIA Foundation...
Colombian Government commits to advancing road safety using iRAP tools
Monday 5 August 2019: In the presence of UN Special Envoy for Road Safety Jean Todt, the Colombian Minister of Transport Angela Maria Orozco, and high level stakeholders, the Director of the National Road Safety Agency Luis Felipe Lota, has today affirmed the...
Implementation of iRAP countermeasures a priority for the Mexican Government.
July 2019: iRAP’s Regional Director – The Americas Julio Urzua presented at the XI Road Engineering Seminar in Mexico last week (25 July), sharing iRAP Mexican Experience: a preventive measure to save lives from the last 10 years. Vinicio Serment, General Director of...
Brazil concession to incorporate iRAP methodology
Wednesday 24 July 2019: With a safer roads investment of over USD$3.6 billion, the Government of Sao Paulo, Brazil has announced the largest concession in the country measuring 1,273 kms will incorporate the iRAP methodology. It is the first Brazilian concession to...
iRAP reaches a milestone – saving lives in 100 countries
iRAP is celebrating reaching a milestone 100 countries. The charity and all of our partners are saving lives in more than half the countries of the world which accounts for 80% of the world’s population. From Brazil to Iceland, Australia to Botswana, China to...
How safe are you on Britain’s main road networks? A Road Safety Foundation report 2019
The Road Safety Foundation has just released an annual report for 2019, which tracks the safety of the main ‘A’ roads where most of Britain’s roads deaths are concentrated, and which can be targeted. This year’s survey shows, overall, the number of deaths on Britain’s...
iRAP’s Latest Building Capacity e-newsletter now available – July 2019
LATEST EDITION: Building Capacity Newsletter – July 2019 Here you will get to know specifications updates, the training calendar, the iRAP accreditation process and who our accredited suppliers are. In this edition you will learn about: Star Rating For Designs Webinar...
Everything you need to know about iRAP Accreditation
iRAP accreditation is designed to upskill professionals to perform iRAP-specification activities to the same consistently high level of quality worldwide. With that, iRAP suppliers are able to bid competitively to provide iRAP-specification services. Although not...
Serie de seminarios web de iRAP Star Rating Essentials 5 partes (español) Comienza Agosto
Aprenda los fundamentos para Clasificar por Estrellas las vías y los diseños de vías. La Organización de Naciones Unidas (ONU) ha adoptado unos objetivos, que incluyen la Clasificación por Estrellas de las vías, y países como Australia tiene ambiciosos objetivos para...
iRAP’s Star Rating for Designs 4 Part Webinar Series July 2019 – Register now
Registration is now OPEN for this NEW 4-part webinar series – Star Rating for Designs. Following the launch of Star Rating For Designs (SR4D) in November 2018, it is now included as a new training topic in our portfolio. This webinar series will empower...
iRAP Star Rating Essentials – Online Video Series REGISTER NOW
The United Nations (UN) have adopted targets that include Star Ratings. iRAP assessments are an internationally recognised approach to managing road safety risk and saving lives and road agencies in more than 90 countries have used iRAP assessments. To help meet...
Sweden to host a Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety in 2020
500 million will be killed or injured in road crashes between now and 2030 without change. The Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety will bring new energy and ideas on how we can scale up what works and do the new things that will make sure we halve road deaths...
iRAP signs on as Co-Chair of the Road Safety Committee – BRITA (China)
Last week in Beijing, iRAP signed on as co-chair of the Road Safety Committee for the Belt and Road Transport Alliance. The Belt and Road Initiative provides a unique opportunity to save lives with #3starorbetter roads. Major road investments are planned across the...
iRAP to help assess and improve road safety in Peru
June 2019: As part of our work with different road concessionaires around the world, iRAP is currently assisting ALEATICA assess and improve the safety of the Peruvian Autopista del Norte concession, known as AUNOR. The AUNOR highway concession is for the section of...
iRAP ayudará a evaluar y mejorar la seguridad vial en Perú
Junio 2019: Como parte del trabajo que se viene realizando con diferentes concesionarios de vías en el mundo, actualmente iRAP está trabajando en Perú con ALEATICA, en la concesión Autopista del Norte, conocida como AUNOR. La vía a cargo de la AUNOR corresponde al...
RADAR Project just released 3rd online newsletter (June 2019)
During the past year RADAR project Consortium, 10 Project Partners and 12 Associated Strategic Partners, have devoted unprecedented attention to road safety. Road traffic fatalities remain one of the most pressing challenges of our time, with 1.35 million people...
RADAR project Partners (EIRA-EuroRAP) and Associated Strategic Partners (iRAP) have just released a RADAR Case Study. Large parts of the Eastern European road network rate poorly for safety, particularly for vulnerable road-users, and death rates in many Danube...
UNGRSW 2019 Worldwide WrapUp
The 5th United Nations Global Road Safety was held from the 6 – 12 May this year. Across the world we saw the global community #SpeakUp and #DemandLeadership for #3StarorBetter. Below is a snapshot from iRAP and our partners around the world spreading the word that it...
Bosnia and Herzegovina: A new iRAP Survey for 2,137 km of the main road network has been announced
May 25: A new iRAP Survey for 2,137 km of the road network has been announced in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The contract was signed by the General Manager PC Roads of the FBiH, Ljubo Pravdić, on behalf of the Client and representative of Fakultet prometnih znanosti...
UNGRSW EVENT 2019: Road Safety Leaders in the Philippines reaffirm their commitment to road safety
May 2019: During the Fifth UN Global Road Safety Week, road safety leaders and partners in the Philippines reaffirmed their commitment to reducing road traffic deaths and injuries. The event included a multi-stakeholder forum with nearly 100 representatives from...
iRAP’s Star Rating for Designs 4 Part Webinar Series – Seeking Expression of Interest
We are now seeking expression of interest to attend this NEW 4-part webinar series – Star Rating for Designs. Following the launch of Star Rating For Designs (SR4D) in November 2018, it is now included as a new training topic in our portfolio. This webinar...
iRAP is updating its specifications, user guides and manuals
iRAP specifications, user guides and manuals that support iRAP tools and assessments are being updated. The team at iRAP are excited to announce the launch of the new iRAP Coding Manual, iRAP Survey Manual and iRAP Inspection System Accreditation Specification. The...
EuroRAP are now recruiting – 2 positions available…
EuroRAP are now in the process of recruiting for new positions: EuroRAP Communications Officer (P/T) – click here to download the full position description Purpose of role: The Communication Officer is responsible for EuroRAP’s communication with different...