GRSF and iRAP improving road safety through speed management in Accra, Ghana
The World Bank’s Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF) have released a video highlighting how GRSF and iRAP improved road safety through speed management in Accra, Ghana under the Bloomberg Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIGRS). With the support of the Bloomberg...
Safe System Solutions video highlights the importance if iRAP Accreditation
Watch this great summary video below from Safe System Solutions Pty Ltd on how the iRAP global standard helps combine with audits and good engineering skills to deliver road safety and the United Nations global goals to measure and celebrate success. Congratulations...
NEW Star Rating for Schools Case Study: TRAX India
SR4S CASE STUDY: TRAX INDIA Road Safety & Juniors – Paving the way for a safer tomorrow Government of Haryana, MG Motor and TRAX are developing a safer culture around schools through road upgrades, research and training involving students, teachers and the...
AITD signs MOU to continue hosting IndiaRAP
Image Left to right: Mr B. N. Puri, AITD Director of Research, Mr K. L. Thapar, AITD Chairman (signing), Dr Subhamay Gangopadhyay, IndiaRAP Programme Manager (rear) and Mr Rob McInerney, iRAP CEO. 17 August 2020: AITD (Asian Institute of Transport...
SCT Road Authority in Mexico highlights the iRAP Star Rating process during an online event
August 17 2020: At a Mexican Road Association (AMIVTAC) online event, the Eng Vinicio Andres Serment Guerrero, General Director of Technical Services from SCT (Secretaria de Comunicaiones y Transportes) discussed iRAP in his presentation ‘iRAP – Road Safety through a...
Partnership Announced to Improve Road Safety Delivery in World Bank Funded Projects in Tanzania
United Nations Road Safety Fund and The World Bank GRSF, with the support of the Department For International Development (DFID) have announced a great new partnership to apply the UNRSC Ten Steps for Safer Road Infrastructure in Tanzania. The initiative aims to...
Latest edition of iRAP’s Training and Accreditation newsletter available (August 2020 edition)
In this edition of the iRAP Training and Accreditation e-newsletter you will see: Online training snapshot Upcoming UNRSC Webinar: The Ten-Step Plan for Safer Road Infrastructure New advanced Star Rating and Investment Plan online course Now available in Portuguese...
Agora disponível em português – curso Star Ratings Essentials
As Nações Unidas (ONU) adotaram metas que incluem a classificação de vias por estrelas. As avaliações iRAP são uma abordagem internacionalmente reconhecida para gerenciar riscos à segurança no trânsito e salvar vidas, e as agências viárias em mais de 90 países já...
AusRAP and IndiaRAP twinning success profiled by countries’ top ministers
The success of AusRAP and IndiaRAP twinning activities and future collaborative opportunities to eliminate high-risk roads in both countries were profiled at an Australian and Indian Government infrastructure and road safety investment webinar yesterday. The webinar...
Partnership with Kazakh Scientific Research Institute for Road Safety brings new online course in Russian
Partnership with Kazakh Scientific Research Institute for Road Safety brings new Star Rating Essentials online course in Russian As part of a project in Kazakhstan, iRAP and Kazakh Scientific Research Institute for Road Safety are partnering to build capacity of 25...
Latest WrapUp newsletter now available – August 2020 Edition
Welcome to iRAP’s August Newsletter. In this issue we are delighted to showcase: Imagine a response to road safety like COVID-19 Mobilising Private Capital for Road Safety – Expression of Interest invited by 19 August Latest WHO publications integrate the...
Mobilising Private Capital for Road Safety – Expressions of Interest invited by 19 August
As the iRAP Business Case for Safer Roads highlights the return on investment for improving road infrastructure safety to the 3-star or better global standard is at least $8 for every $1 invested. iRAP has been actively shaping the Impact Investment market for road...
Free Recorded Webinar – Establishing & Developing an iRAP Programme in Your Country
iRAP is the umbrella organisation for nine regional Road Assessment Programmes (RAP) including EuroRAP, ChinaRAP, IndiaRAP, AusRAP, KiwiRAP, usRAP, BrazilRAP, ThaiRAP and South Africa RAP. Locally owned and led, self-sustaining national and regional RAP programmes are...
Free Recorded Webinar – Planning & Procuring an iRAP Project
This learn-at-your-own-pace webinar is for road authorities or personnel in any other organisation wanting to plan, organise and execute an iRAP assessment or other iRAP-related project. It will cover the project planning process, including developing a Terms of...
Introduction to iRAP – free online course
This one-hour online course summarizes the global road safety context, who iRAP is and what we do, and how to use the ViDA Star Rating Demonstrator. Take the training at your own pace. The certificate is included upon assignment completion and is available in Spanish....
SR4S newsletter now available – July 2020 Edition
The latest Star Rating for Schools newsletter is out now – read some great stories of how SR4S Lead Partners are engaging partners and leading safer infrastructures around the world. This edition features: Reshaping spaces for pedestrians now and after COVID-19...
Protecting Lives and Livelihoods: Imagine a response to road safety like COVID-19
iRAP’s CEO Rob McInerney was recently asked to share a personal perspective on COVID19 and road safety for the Australasian College of Road Safety (ACRS) weekly newsletter Read the full response in the ACRS newsletter here Here are some excerpts from...
iRAP participates in PIARC Webinar – Impact of the COVID19 crisis on road safety
15 July 2020: iRAP’s CEO Rob McInerney joined the most recent PIARC COVID19 webinar as a presenter. Watch the full recorded webinar here (or click on the video below) Rob specifically discussed the COVID19 stimulus to save lives, including: Protecting lives and...
RAP Journey Interview with Dr. Boris Huzjan, President of the Board of the Croatian Motorways – Hrvatske autoceste
1. What is your current role and what is Croatian Motorways’s vision on road safety?The basic determinant within mission and vision of the Croatian Motorways is ensuring safe and efficient motorway with a high level of social responsibility. Our vision is that...
3-star or better road policy targets discussed in Thai Parliament
Earlier in the month, Mr Nikorn Chamnong, Chairman of the People Safety Foundation, Director of Chartthaipattana Party and Member of The House of Representative of Thailand spoke in Thai Parliament about iRAP and the 3-star-road policy goals in Thailand during a...
Invitation to UNRSC Webinar: The Ten-Step Plan for Safer Road Infrastructure
We are pleased to announce a new free webinar in September – UNRSC Webinar: The Ten-Step Plan for Safer Road Infrastructure. Date: 9 September 2020Time: 14.00 – 15.30 CEST (Geneva time) Speakers include: Etienne KrugWHO Romain HubertUNRSF Susanna...
NEW Star Rating for Schools Case Study: Tehran & Mashhad, Iran
SR4S CASE STUDY: TEHRAN & MASHHAD, IRAN Improved Pedestrian Facilities at Shohada, Imam Ali and Azmoodeh Primary School 8 schools assessed, 3 upgraded, leading to a safety jump from 1-star to 4- and 5-stars and a safer journey for students In 2019, Road Safety...
EuroRAP News: SLAIN Newsletter July 2020
To read more,...