MIROS re-signs as iRAP Centre of Excellence
The Malaysian Institute of Road Safety Research (MIROS) and the International Road Assessment Programme (iRAP) have re-signed a Centre of Excellence agreement today, ensuring RAP protocols and models continue to benefit from the evidence-based research undertaken by...
NACTO-GDCI and iRAP release animations to demonstrate how low-speeds can protect people
In collaboration with NACTO-GDCI and in celebration of UN Global Road Safety Week, we have developed 3 animations to promote how we can lower speeds around the world to protect people and enable healthy, more sustainable choices such as walking and cycling. The...
How a 5-star system is helping Pakistan fix dangerous roads
Asif Azam, Deputy Director of Road Management at the National Highway Authority (NHA) of Pakistan and Greg Smith, iRAP Global Partnerships Director recently presented at the Asia Pacific Road Safety Observatories (ASPRO) Webinar on outcomes in Pakistan arising from...
iRAP Star Ratings of NACTO-GDCI’s Global Street Design Guide now available in multiple languages
NACTO-GDCI has collaborated with iRAP to provide additional resources during Road Safety Week to promote the safety, health, economic, and environmental benefits of lower speeds around the world. We are excited to announce that the jointly-produced resource, iRAP Star...
UNGRSW underway with Australian Road Safety Week launch
UN Global Road Safety Week commenced yesterday with the Australian National Road Safety Week launch in Adelaide themed Lead the Way, Drive So Others Survive and calling for 3-star or better road infrastructure. Across Australia, the country’s favourite buildings,...
Latest WrapUp newsletter now available – May 2021 Edition
Welcome to iRAP’s May 2021 Newsletter – Partnerships for 2030 Impact iRAP is ready for the 2nd Decade of Action for Road Safety At its most recent meeting the iRAP Board of Trustees signed off on the charity’s life-saving strategy for the decade and the fine...
ViDA user guide and SR4D guide now available in Spanish
We have updated the ViDA user guide and the Star Rating for Designs user guide, and have made them available in Spanish as well as English. ViDA User Guide – This guide introduces ViDA, iRAP’s online analysis and reporting tool, and provides instructions for...
BrazilRAP News: First federal concession awarded with iRAP safety metric
The Brazilian Minister for Infrastructure has recently announced the first incorporation of iRAP as a road safety metric on a federal road, with consortium EcoRodovias/GLP winner of the R $ 14 billion contract on the BR-153 over 35 years. For the 850.7 km concession...
UN Global Road Safety Week – join us and take action!
iRAP calls on its partners and the community worldwide to support the 6th United Nations Global Road Safety Week (UNGRSW) #StreetsForLife #Love30 campaign from the 17 – 23 May 2021. Low speed streets save lives. 30km/h speeds protect road users and reduce loss...
How Can We Deliver 5-star Roads for Vulnerable Road Users? (Featured in Urban Mobility Weekly)
The following opinion piece was published in Autonomy Paris Urban Mobility Weekly on May 6 2021 Every day, road crashes kill over 3,600 people across the world. 56 people are left quadriplegic, 161 are rendered amputees, 932 suffer severe acquired brain injuries and...
iRAP Connect: ‘technology for good’
NTT Ltd. has profiled iRAP Connect, iRAP’s Partner Management System, in their suite of ‘Technology for Good’ case studies alongside global innovations to unlock the mysteries of the universe, deliver rapid COVID response and track illegal poaching in Africa… to...
New webinar series: World Bank and iRAP helping save lives in Africa
Invitation to attend the webinar series: World Bank and iRAP helping save lives in Africa – BIGRS 2020-25 DATES: 06, 09, 13 & 16 July 2021TIME: 3.00PM – 4.30PM (UTC+3) Addis Ababa, EthiopiaFree of charge Please note this webinar will be delivered in...
Partnerships for 2030 Impact – iRAP is ready for the 2nd Decade of Action for Road Safety
Halving road deaths and injuries by 2030 will require a team effort. We need to scale up the proven interventions and partnerships worldwide and work together to achieve the UN Global Road Safety Performance Targets and save more than 450,000 lives a year. At its...
ViDA and Star Rating Demonstrator now available in Thai
Thanks to the hard work from the ThaiRAP team, we have now been able to add Thai language on ViDA and Demonstrator to support road risk analysis and assessment for users in Thailand. . ViDA and Demonstrator are platforms for road safety analysis used to assess risk...
Innovation project in focus: CycleRAP
With a surge of cycling due to COVID impacts, the rise of food delivery apps, dockless share bikes and e-bikes, a second generation CycleRAP model is now under development guided by experts from 20 global organisations. The concept of CycleRAP originated in 2015 by...
gTKP Resource: Official webpage for Ten Step Project Tanzania
The official page for the Ten Step Plan Tanzania project is available on the global Transport Knowledge Partnership website Tanzania has been selected for implementation of the Ten Step Plan for Safer Road Infrastructure Pilot Project funded by the United Nations...
Star Rating for Designs project builds capacity in Vietnam
A Star Rating for Designs NH19 Highway Project in Vietnam has seen 37 local engineers trained and first development of iRAP training materials in Vietnamese to build national capacity. National Highway 19 (NH19) in Vietnam is a priority corridor that has received...
IndiaRAP News: NHAI Workshops across India to review results and improve NH safety in 3 States
Workshops across India have drawn 100 engineers and decision-makers to discuss assessment results of national highways assessed in Uttar Pradesh and Tamil Nadu. IndiaRAP’s first National Highway Authority of India (NHAI) project Star Rating 2,400 km of national...
iRAP supports PIDG Safety Day campaign for safe work and infrastructure investment in poorest countries
iRAP has proudly supported the Private Infrastructure Development Group (PIDG)’s Safety Day campaign on 28 April to support the application of the UN targets for 3-star or better roads for all road users and enhance infrastructure investment for development impact in...
iRAP and YOURS proudly co-hosting a ‘Young Female Leadership on Sustainable Mobility’ Industry talk – Autonomy Digital 2.0!
We are delighted to announce that iRAP will be participating at Autonomy Digital 2.0, The world’s largest platform for sustainable mobility solutions held online over the 19 – 20 May 2021. On Thursday 20 May, iRAP’s Star Rating for Schools Global Programme...
Scholarships offered to LMIC candidates to participate in Australasian Road Safety Conference 2021
The Australasian College of Road Safety (ACRS) has recently announced Scholarships for road safety researchers and practitioners from LMIC are available to present and/or participate in ARSC2021 28-30 September 2021. These scholarships are funded by the Department of...
Ten Step Plan for Tanzania showcased at Smart Transport Infrastructures Summit
The Ten Step Plan for Safer Road Infrastructure in Tanzania and experiences of road assessment programmes around the world will be showcased at the 2nd Smart Transport Infrastructures Summit (STIS2021) in Dar Es Salaam from 27-29 April. Under the theme “Adopting...
Coffee and Connect showcases EuroRAP UK success
iRAP’s second Coffee and Connect session brought together 80 RAP national programme leads from 38 countries to hear and learn from the 20 year success of the EuroRAP UK programme. The EuroRAP UK Programme, led by the Road Safety Foundation (RSF), is a global leader...