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EuroRAP General Assembly 2021

EuroRAP General Assembly 2021

European Road Assessment Programme (EuroRAP) enters the start of the 2nd United Nations Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021-2030. Come to the General Assembly to learn how EuroRAP is getting ready for the challenge. On June 17th, 2021 EuroRAP will hold its annual...
A$385m for Victorian Action Plan including Star targets

A$385m for Victorian Action Plan including Star targets

Australia’s Victorian Government Budget 2021-2022 will invest A$385.8 million over four years to deliver a new Action Plan that tackles the root causes of road trauma including safer road infrastructure informed by Star Rating targets to increase public...
SR4S newsletter now available – May 2021 edition

SR4S newsletter now available – May 2021 edition

The latest Star Rating for Schools newsletter is out now – read some great stories of how SR4S Lead Partners are engaging partners and leading safer infrastructures around the world.   In this issue: Demanding #StreetsForLife Improving local economy and job...
Partnerships take #Love30 messaging global

Partnerships take #Love30 messaging global

iRAP partnerships with NACTO-GDCI, Vision Zero Sergek and the Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety to produce animations and videos for UN Global Road Safety Week saw #Love30 messaging reach over 227,000 people online in 2 weeks. Connecting offices in China,...
Innovation update: iRAP Star Rating model review

Innovation update: iRAP Star Rating model review

With the start of the new Decade of Action for Road Safety, SDG Target 3.6 to halve road deaths and serious injuries by 2030, and this UN Road Safety Week’s focus on 30km/h (20mph) on streets where people and traffic mix; we are all being challenged to ‘up our game’...
MIROS re-signs as iRAP Centre of Excellence

MIROS re-signs as iRAP Centre of Excellence

The Malaysian Institute of Road Safety Research (MIROS) and the International Road Assessment Programme (iRAP) have re-signed a Centre of Excellence agreement today, ensuring RAP protocols and models continue to benefit from the evidence-based research undertaken by...
How a 5-star system is helping Pakistan fix dangerous roads

How a 5-star system is helping Pakistan fix dangerous roads

Asif Azam, Deputy Director of Road Management at the National Highway Authority (NHA) of Pakistan and Greg Smith, iRAP Global Partnerships Director recently presented at the Asia Pacific Road Safety Observatories (ASPRO) Webinar on outcomes in Pakistan arising from...

The International Road Assessment Programme (iRAP) is a Registered Charity with UN ECOSOC Consultative Status.
iRAP is registered in England and Wales under company number 05476000
Charity number 1140357

Registered office: 60 Trafalgar Square, London, WC2N 5DS
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